Journal of European Industrial Training: Volume 19 Issue 1


Table of contents

Teaching managers about culture

Carol A. Vielba

Managers need to be able to understand and use cultural concepts tomanage different work groups, to handle organizational change and tooperate in the international marketplace…


Danish Technological Institute SME sector networking model: implementing broker competencies

Ian Chaston

In the late 1980s, the Danish Technological Institute receivedfunding to examine whether networking might provide a mechanism throughwhich to promote survival and growth among SME…


Building a consortium alliance for learning – the Volvo experience

John Branch, Bryan Smith, Jim Cannon, Keith Bedingham

Describes experiences of building a consortium alliance forlearning among three partner providers to a single client – VolvoCar UK. Explores the events leading up to establishing…


Mergers, marriages and after: how can training help ?

John Harper, Sylvette Cormeraie

There is a high failure rate among companies involved incross‐national mergers and joint ventures. One of the major causes forthese costly mistakes is a lack of adequate…


Viewpoint increasing your competitive edge

Jimmy Lowe

Presents a number of views concerning methods to improve theeffectiveness and efficiency of change implementation in organizations.Indicates that UK organizations do not…




Online date, start – end:

1977 – 2011

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited