Journal of Management in Medicine: Volume 8 Issue 5


Table of contents

Which “Internal Market”?

Olusola O.A. Oni

There are two potential types of “internal markets”. In Type I, thepatient is treated only by “contracted” providers while in Type II, he/sheis free to choose a provider. The…


Marketing for Health‐care Organizations: An Introduction to Network Management

Lucie C.M. Boonekamp

The introduction of regulated competition in health care in severalWestern countries confronts health care providing organizations withchanging relationships, with their…


Management: The One Disease Consultants Did Not Think Existed

Sue Dopson

Considers progress made in involving doctors in management, drawing onavailable ethnographies of local health‐care systems and a small‐scalestudy of consultants who have moved…


Formal and Informal Authority of Hospital Directors

Nurit Nirel, Hillel Schmid, Zvi Stern

Describes and contrasts the perceptions of formal and informal authorityof hospital directors of two different kinds of organizations: hospitalsthat are part of public…


Relationships between Doctors and Managers: The Scottish Experience

Allan Bruce, Sandra Hill

Based upon empirical research conducted in 1993, attempts to illustratethe implications of efforts to bring doctors into management. Itaddresses in particular the role of key…


Assessing Strategic Behaviour within the Acute Sector of the National Health Service

Ian Chaston

The creation of the internal market has merely been the latestprogression in the change processes confronting the NHS over recentyears as the UK Government searches for new ways…


The Clinical Director in the NHS: Utilizing a Role‐theory Perspective

Stephen Willcocks

Reviews the role of the clinical director in the NHS, based on datacollected in a qualitative research study. Utilizes role theory toinvite insight into a relatively new but…




Online date, start – end:

1986 – 2002

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Emerald Publishing Limited