Reference Services Review: Volume 17 Issue 2

Reference and instructional services for libraries in the digital age


Table of contents

CD‐ROM Implementation: A Reference Staff Takes Charge

Bruce Bonta, Sally Kalin

A mouse hiding in the reference desk at Penn State's library nearly four years ago would have had an earful: “I can't STAND having those patrons crowded all over the reference…

Teaching Reprint File Management: Basic Principles and Software Programs

Elizabeth H. Wood

During the past three‐and‐a‐half years, over 150 faculty members, researchers, and support staff at the University of Southern California (USC) Health Sciences Campus have…

CD‐ROMs: Instructional Methods and User Reactions

Patricia Lynn, Karen Bacsanyi

Information storage and retrieval through CD‐ROM technology has now been available to the library world for over three years. CD‐ROMs, which allow patrons to do their own…

Current Readings on the Iran‐Iraq Conflict and Its Effects on U.S. Foreign Relations and Policy

Magda El‐Sherbini

The conflict between Iran and Iraq is not new; it dates from long before September 1980. In fact, the origins of the current war can be traced to the battle of Qadisiyah in…

A Selective Guide to Training Literature for the Reference Librarian/Trainer

Beth S. Woodard

Reference librarians in various library settings are often assigned responsibilities for training students, support staff, or other new professionals, a task for which they rarely…


Reference Services Review Columns: An Index

Joan Berman

This index accompanies the index that appeared in Reference Services Review 16:4 (1988). As noted in the introduction to that index, the articles in RSR that deal with specific…

Journals Focused on a Single Author: Their Importance in Locating Literary Criticism

Pamela Palmer

In recent years, the number of journals focusing on a single literary figure has increased substantially. No longer are only a few select authors the sole focus of a journal or…

INFOTRAC and WILSONDISC: A Comparison of New Technologies

Douglas J. Ernest, Holley R. Lange

With the introduction of optical disc technologies in the mid‐1980s, access to periodical literature has entered a new era. Although librarians perceive inadequacies with some of…

California: Its Businesses, Industries, Economies, and Public Policies

Daniel Hanne

Economic and political commentators in the popular media have become fond of describing California as if it were a separate country or a “nation state.” Legally, of course…

Claustrophobia: A Guide to Information Resources

Barbara Ruelle

A phobia is a condition that is caused by fear of a specific object or situation. Phobias constitute the most common form of psychiatric disorder. “People of all ages, at all…

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  • Ms Sarah Barbara Watstein