Education + Training: Volume 37 Issue 2


Table of contents

Scottish education and the vocational gauntlet

Eileen Turner, John Lloyd, Ian Stronach, Stephen Waterhouse

Describes how the Scottish Office Education Department funded a“stock‐taking exercise” by researchers based in theDepartment of Education at the University of Stirling during…


Theory, training and technology: part II

David Wood

Part I reviewed the major theories of learning and instructionwhich have influenced the design of recent computer‐based systems tosupport education and training. Part II outlines…


NVQs and teacher training: a chance for co‐operation?

Norman Prescott

Discusses the introduction of competence‐based standards fortraining and development and the impact on the training of teachers byrequiring changes in the assessment skills…


Penetrating the mystique of outdoor management development

Richard Holden

Outdoor management development (OMD) is characterized byuncertainty and controversy. An understanding of what it is, itspotential and how it should be managed needs to underpin…


From ivory towers to factory floors

Ian Kemp, Kay Foster

Many people now agree that work‐based learning has an importantpart to play in the development of learners. Structured IndustrialPractice Studies (SIPS) is an example of a…


Delivering the promise: developing new graduates

Colin Graham, Alasdair McKenzie

The second of two articles, reports the findings of a qualitativeresearch project investigating good practice in recruiting, training andretaining new graduates. The research took…

Cover of Education + Training



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  • Dr Martin McCracken