Table of contents
Labelling genetically modified soya and maize in the EU
Michele SadlerEuropean regulations for labelling the genetically modified commodity crops Round‐up Ready Soya and Bt Maize have been agreed and came into force on 1 September 1998. The…
The work of the Pesticides Safety Directorate
Matthew WellsOutlines the function of the Pesticides Safety Directorate of the UK. This directorate is an Executive Agency of MAFF and aims to protect the health of people, animals and plants;…
Caffeine, coffee and health
Juliet GrayExamines the history of coffee drinking. Describes the constituents of coffee and its physiological effects on the drinker. Reviews the research done in the past on caffeine’s…
HND food quality and manufacture ‐ a new course in Worcester
Janet ParryA new HND course has been launched in Worcester, through the co‐operation of local colleges, capitalising on their strengths and experience and new facilities. The course is aimed…
Compositional changes and spoilage in fish (part II) ‐ microbiological induced deterioration
Owen P. Fraser, Sam SumarCovers the quantitative and qualitative aspects of micro‐organisms present in fish and the factors which affect sea food quality. Several methods can be employed to counter…
Waste minimisation in the food and drink industry
Margaret P. Bates, Paul S. PhillipsIn the food and retailing sector only 25 per cent of companies were found to operate waste minimisation programmes. The benefits of waste minimisation are well proven in both…
Efficacy of ispaghula husk in the treatment of premenstrual constipation‐type symptoms
Jill Davies, Peter Dettmar, Roger HoareIt is well documented that women are prone to constipation‐type symptoms premenstrually. An increase in non‐starch polysaccharide intake of 5.9 g/d in the form of palatable drink…
Recalled preference of Spanish consumers for smoked food
Pedro Bárcenas, Francisco J. Pérez‐Elortondo, Jesús Salmerón, Marta AlbisuThe aim of the present study was to reveal if sensory properties of smoked food could be considered as decisive in the determination of one product’s preference over another. In…

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Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Dr Vijay Ganji