Nutrition & Food Science: Volume 95 Issue 3


Table of contents

Managing to eat on a low income

Robert Walker, Barbara Dobson, Sue Middleton, Alan Beardsworth, Teresa Keil

Considers the social, cultural and nutritional aspects of foodconsumption among low income families. For over a hundred years concernhas been expressed about the diet of poor…


The health of the nation campaign: practical plan or farcical information?

Joan P. Alcock

The government has recently published a National Food Guide poster,The Balance of Good Health and a published programme TheHealth of the Nation. These have aroused controversy…


Trans fatty acids: time for legislative action?

Lars Ovesen, Torben Leth

Trans fatty acids arise as a result of hydrogenation processes inmargarine manufacture, and in nature in the rumen of ruminant animals.Concern that high intake of trans fatty…


What is the British Nutrition Foundation doing to improve food education in school?

Gill Fine

In recent years the British Nutrition Foundation (BNF) hasundertaken various schools education initiatives including the BNF/MAFFfood and nutrition school programme entitled “Food…


The livestock industry – some controversial issues

J.H. Pratt, A. Wynne

The British livestock industry is the subject of a number ofcontroversial issues. These include matters of public concern such asanimal welfare, growth promoters, biotechnological…


Food irradiation – facts and fiction

John I. Ahmad

It is estimated that by the turn of the millennium the world humanpopulation could exceed ten billion. Scientists inevitably are searchingfor effective alternative methods of food…


The Centre for Food Research at Queen Margaret College in Edinburgh

Anne de Looy, Pamela Turner

A New Centre for Food Research was created in September 1993 atQueen Margaret College, Edinburgh. Its main purpose is to promoteresearch into food choice, particularly factors…


The revival of traditional food in Mallorca

Joan P. Alcock

Mallorca, one of the islands in the Balearics, Spain, has undergonea revitalization in the last few years with a programme to update itstourist facilities. One result has been a…

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  • Dr Vijay Ganji