Table of contents
Information, Misinformation and Disinformation in Human Nutrition
Vincent MarksNutrition is a serious and immensely important scientificdiscipline researched and taught in universities worldwide. Itsrelevance to everyday life makes it unique among the…
Dietary Survey of Infants Aged 6 to 12 Months
Alison MillsGives a brief overview of a national survey conducted by theMinistry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food of the diets of 488 infantsaged 6 to 12 months from Britain. Presents…
Food Management: A New Course in Higher Education
Allan DysonDescribes the development of a new BSc (Hons) Food Managementcourse: formulation of the initial concept; market research; definitionand development of the course; quality…
Breaking the Dietary Deadlock
Rob SilverstoneReviews changes in patterns of UK food and drink consumption overthe past decade. While increased interest in healthy eating is asignificant consumer trend the nutritional profile…
Organic Foods in Catering
Bent Egberg MikkelsenDiscusses popularity of organic foods and problems associated withintroducing them into a catering kitchen: supply, distribution, variablequality, price.
Packaging Food with Flexible Materials: PART 2
Frank PaineReviews the factors which cause deterioration of food, the waypackaging can prevent this, and the special requirements of modern foodsfor flexible packaging.
Olive Oil: Its Attributes and Diversity
Judy RidgwayOlive oil has an ancient history dating back to 3000 BC or even earlier. Cultivation of the olive tree probably started in the Middle East and then spread throughout the…
McCance and Widdowson
Margaret AshwellTo most readers of Nutrition and Food Science, “McCance and Widdowson” is the name of the book they will reach for when they need to, say, compare the protein content of a cheese…
The British Digestive Foundation is a charity for research and information on digestive disorders. The leaflet All About Indigestion sets out to explain what is meant by…
The COMA Report of the Panel on Dietary Reference Values, published by the Department of Health in 1991, increased the recommended nutrient intake of calcium for children from 11…

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- Dr Vijay Ganji