Table of contents
Food education and School meals: … are they on separate tables?
Alan HarrisonThe home economics teacher's attitude to school meals may well be influenced by her own childhood experiences and she may not welcome the thought of combining her teaching with…
Dilys WellsImported bottled waters have been commercially available in the UK since 1861 and long before that the famous spa towns like Bath, Harrogate and Leamington Spa were fashionable…
Food habits and social change
Jane ThomasChanges in patterns of eating are always closely linked with social changes. Marked changes continue to occur in the age structure of the population with the appearance of an…
What can it be like to lead a life where the future is as unpredictable as the throw of a dice, where the balance of life rests on a knife edge between adequate food and…
Salt: condiment or nutrient?
Ivan SharmanEver since historical records have been kept, salt has played an astonishingly important part in the lives of men. Wars have been fought over its sources, and for centuries its…
Patricia BewsThe banana is one food which is always readily available no matter what season it is. Its history and growth are fascinating and now its entry to UK is controlled by EEC…
The perfect pineapple
David GunstonWhat is it that makes this fruit so esteemed? First, itsbeautiful aroma which gives it a unique attraction on the dessert table. Then, its acid‐sweet flavour, ‘by quince out of…
The annual culling of elk in Sweden prevents over‐grazing of immature forest areas and provides meat for human consumption. Reducing the total number of animals is also a benefit…
Nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy
Barbara PickardThe majority of women suffer some form of sickness in early pregnancy. Although the theories relating to this condition and the remedies which have been tried are many and varied…
NUTRITION AWARD: for Dr. Widdowson
Dr Elsie M. Widdowson, the British scientist whose landmark studies of infant body composition have been used for decades to determine babies' nutritional needs, is the winner of…

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- Dr Vijay Ganji