Table of contents
Dietary goals — Past and present
R.G. WhiteheadDr Whitehead described this lecture as a stocktaking of the impact of the dietary goals over the three years since 1977 when the second edition of Dietary Goals for the United…
Dietary goals — for the UK
Elaine FullardIn Elaine Fullard's opinion, many people are ignorant about nutrition because the health professionals and teachers fail to communicate the right information. She believes that…
Putting diet and heart disease in perspective
Two important new reports from America suggest that what you eat is less important than how much you eat
I.T. JohnsonDiabetes mellitus is a disease with a long recorded history. There are surviving medical texts which show that for centuries physicians have noted the characteristic sweetness of…
The fat of the land
Sarah L. BrooksAny change in body weight arises from an imbalance between energy intake and energy expenditure. Unfortunately a rather one dimensional interpretation of this statement has led to…
The colour of fruit and vegetables: and the effects of processing
J.B. AdamsThe colour of foods has a great influence on their acceptability to the consumer. Foods appear coloured because the pigments they contain absorb light of some wavelengths and…
USA makes new dietary recommendations
The Food and Nutrition Board of the National Research Council has recently revised and extended its list of recommended dietary allowances, RDA, for individuals in the US, in view…
Animal welfare
Farm animals have a right to compassion even though they are bred and reared for food
Exercise and food intake
Merril DurantOne of the tools essential to the nutritionist's science is the measurement of food intake. However, this is an extremely difficult measurement to make. Garrow has made an analogy…

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- Dr Vijay Ganji