Table of contents
Nutrient requirements and recommended daily intakes
John R. KemmMany committees have produced tables of recommended dietary intakes. All are careful to stress that their recommendations are amounts sufficient, or more than sufficient, for the…
At the recent WHO/UNICEF meeting, poor feeding practices of this vulnerable age group were described as one of the world's major problems and a serious obstacle to social and…
Trevor GrenbyThe state of the teeth of the population of the U.K. presents an appalling picture, with more than 99% of us suffering or having suffered from dental caries (decay) and a repair…
Students' eating survey
Paul FieldhouseIn the Spring Term 1979 a pilot study was carried out which dealt with some aspects of students' eating habits. This was undertaken as a practical exercise by students on the…
What slimmers want to know
Anne DeurdenBy far the most common enquiry I get about slimming is how to reduce surplus fat from one particular part of the body. This is normally referred to as ‘spot reducing’. Women who…
Toxic substances in the environment
U.E. LoeningThe present controversies about the biological effects of low levels of radiation also demonstrate the wide divergence that can exist between levels that are thought to be safe…
Problem flour goods
Irene FinchProblem flour Goods. Lowfibre recipes full of fat and sugar could of course be eaten in small amounts by exercising will power, or indeed between slices of wholemeal bread to…

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- Dr Vijay Ganji