Journal of Documentation: Volume 54 Issue 4


Table of contents

A new classification system to describe the ageing of scientific journals and their impact factors

H.F. Moed, Th. N. Van Leeuwen, J. Reedijk

During the past decades, journal impact data obtained from the Journal Citation Reports (JCR) have gained relevance in library management, research management and research…

Personal knowledge: a clinical perspective from the value and evince projects in health library and information services

Christine Urquhart

The progress of initiatives concerned with implementing evaluated clinical research (such as evidence based medicine and clinical effectiveness) is dependent on the way individual…


Questions in reference interviews

Marilyn Domas White

This article characterises the questioning behaviour in reference interviews preceding delegated online searches of bibliographic databases and relates it to questioning behaviour…


Title keywords and subject descriptors: a comparison of subject search entries of books in the humanities and social sciences

Henk J. Voorbij

In order to compare the value of subject descriptors and title keywords as entries to subject searches, two studies were carried out. Both studies concentrated on monographs in…


A method for building core journal lists in interdisciplinary subject areas

Jeffrey D. Kushkowski, Kristin H. Gerhard, Cynthia Dobson

This paper describes a simple method for developing a list of core serials in a particular subject field by analysing article citations in electronic indexes. The Simple Index…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Prof David Bawden