Digital Transformation, Strategic Resilience, Cyber Security and Risk Management: Volume 111B

Table of contents
(19 chapters)Abstract
The purpose of the study is to understand the perception held by Micro Steel Enterprises in Punjab, India, towards the role played by FinTech in it. The quantitative study uses a structured questionnaire to collect primary responses. A total of 400 Micro Steel Enterprises have been approached from Punjab. Here, statistical analyses are used, including chi-square tests, Principal Component Analysis, Multiple Linear Regression and One-way ANOVA. The satisfaction levels across the three factors revealed a significant relationship with the financial aspect only. This clarifies the situation and reveals that using the FinTech services among the Micro Steel Enterprises is only a modification caused by the financial constraints that generate satisfactory levels in the respondents. However, based on the operational conditions of these enterprises is not the factor causing the satisfaction levels, neither are the banking processes. The advances in the course must be solely made based on the financial aspects of Micro Steel Enterprises. The two variables of the owner of these firms are the owner’s age and the firm’s ownership type. The banking aspect and the Micro Steel Enterprise are also found to have associations with them. To motivate the use of FinTech in the process, the owners can be motivated differently towards its usage. The study is a novel attempt to understand the Micro Steel Enterprises in Punjab and its perception towards the use of FinTech. Punjab is the hub of the Steel Industry in India.
This research focuses on the challenges of establishing a better medical system that can detect and diagnose diseases earlier. Using such cutting-edge health systems, healthcare practitioners may quickly and effectively manage patients’ medical issues by providing the appropriate data at the right time about the right people. The advancement of technology has increased the usefulness of devices that routinely analyse health measurements or monitoring time-sensitive health-related data. Medical professionals and patients alike are downloading health-related mobile apps to better track and manage their health. The research evidences how Internet of Things (IoT) technology may be used to support health care.
The COVID-19 pandemic ushered in multiple challenges for employees, which led to employee turnover, disengagement at work, employees’ mental health issues, etc. The study tries to elucidate how artificial intelligence (AI) herald great promise in human resource management in decreasing cost, attrition level and enhancing productivity. Considering the dearth of studies on recent trends in human resource management (HRM) in the context of AI, the study elucidates the role of AI in facilitating seamless onboarding, diversity and inclusion (D&I), work engagement, emotional intelligence and employees’ mental health. Thus, a conceptual model of recent trends in HRM in the context of AI and its organisational outcomes is proposed. A systematic review and meta-synthesis method are undertaken. A systematic literature review assisted in critically analysing, synthesising, and mapping the extant literature by identifying the broad themes. The findings of the study suggest that using natural language processing (NLP) and robots has eased the onboarding process. D&I is promoted using data analytics, big data, machine learning, predictive analysis and NLP. Furthermore, NLP and data analytics have proved to be highly effective in engaging employees. Emotional Intelligence is applied through AI simulation and intelligent robots. On the other hand, chatbots, employee pulse surveys, wearable technology, and intelligent robots have paved way for employees’ mental health. The study also reveals that using AI in HRM leads to enhanced organisational performance, reduced cost and decreased intention to quit the organisation. Thus, AI in HRM provides a competitive edge to organisations by enhancing the performance of the employees.
This research examines Indian women entrepreneurs’ endeavours to keep their undertakings above water amid the COVID-19 emergency in 2021–2022. This study centers around female-possessed endeavours in Rajasthan, with a particular spotlight on how artificial intelligence (AI) assists them in getting by. It examines how Indian women entrepreneurs used social media to stay in business during the pandemic and adds to information collection by inspecting women-claimed micro and small enterprises (MSEs) and their use of AI through social media during COVID-19. We administered a questionnaire to a sample of 100 female entrepreneurs who use social media platforms to manage their businesses. The researchers found that the pandemic fundamentally affects women entrepreneurs, especially those who run MSEs, using an anti-tactical approach to deal with survey information from 100 respondents. Women have seen a drop in pay because of lower deals, hindered supply chains, and the inconvenience of paying credit portions. Regardless of how women entrepreneurs are especially delicate to monetary shocks, most need to approach government or private-area help. The significance of virtual entertainment through AI in saving women’s ventures is featured in this review. Web-based entertainment has become famous for helping women sell their businesses, contact new clients, and keep current clients. Women entrepreneurs have reduced their losses as a result of forceful advancements supplemented by appealing offers like limits, various administrations, and advertising. We infer that during an emergency, women entrepreneurs embraced innovative methods to keep their businesses reasonable.
This research aimed to determine how COVID-19 affected Micro small and medium enterprises’ (MSMEs) participation in sustainable development goals (SDGs) and their adoption of Fin-tech developing nations like India. Involving women in the workforce through microenterprises is crucial to accomplishing the SDGs, and its subsection is focused on decent work and small industries. Data related to knowledge of digital finance was collected using a convenience sample method. Nonetheless, descriptive research was conducted, and although interesting, no definitive findings could be determined. Women entrepreneurs aged between 25 and 35 years provided input into creating this link based on the United Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) concept. Using SMART-PLS, we found a significant relationship between the UTAUT model of sustainable development and the level of Fin-tech literacy among women in low-income households in developing countries like India. However, we also know that MSMEs’ adoption of Fin-tech and SDG is less tightly linked to the UTUAT model. The trend towards online transactions or digital payments and the widespread adoption of digital technology applications are changing the face of the global economy. The COVID-19 period saw the rise of contactless transactions as the primary payment method. Because of this shift in public opinion, small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have begun implementing Fin-tech for long-term growth. People worldwide use it for transactions and other economic functions. However, there is a scarcity of research incorporating this kind of data from India and the rest of the developing world.
The study aims to propose a conceptual Bhartiya (Indian) model of workplace spirituality (WPS) in non-profit organisations (NPOs) in the context of burnout and resilience by synthesising the concepts of the east and the west. The researchers have kept an open approach by exploring various dimensions of WPS by reviewing the extant literature of both the east and the west. The researchers delved into Bhartiya (Indian) scriptures to identify the concepts that have similarity with the dimensions of WPS so that it may further assist in facilitating those dimensions in NPOs. Furthermore, to propose a conceptual Bhartiya model for NPOs, the researchers synthesised the literature pool of Bhartiya studies on WPS. They examined how WPS decreases burnout and leads to resilience. The study’s findings reveal that concepts from Bhartiya scriptures such as Karm Yog (Nishkam Karm, self-abnegation, swadharm), parasparam bhavayantaha, loksangrah, daivi sampat and kritagyata are instrumental in facilitating the constructs of WPS. Meaningful work is facilitated through karm yog; sense of community is facilitated through parasparam bhavayantaha and loksangrah; and alignment with organisational values is facilitated through daivi sampat and kritagyata. The findings further suggest that WPS is an antidote to burnout and an enabler of resilience.
This study examines the significance of Oman’s sustainable strategies to mitigate overtourism. The study adopts a quantitative study design with a survey method to investigate the strategies’ effectiveness. Two hundred twenty participants were recruited through random sampling, most of whom were male. The data was collected from October to November 2020, and the data collection process lasted for four months, from December to March 2021. This study also reviews the role of economic challenges in causing overtourism in Oman. Further, it analyses the sustainable strategies adopted by the Omani government to overcome the overcrowding of tourist places in Muscat and Salalah and prevent the deterioration in the quality of tourism-related services and products. The significance and impact of the sustainable strategies were investigated through factor analysis. We developed the following hypotheses: (i) the economic challenges have resulted in overcrowded tourism in Oman; (ii) the sustainable strategies or framework(s) are sufficient to overcome overtourism in Oman; and (iii) there is a significant impact of sustainable strategies or framework(s) to overcome overtourism in Oman. The study concluded that economic challenges directly impacted the quality of the services and the entire hospitality and tourism sector in Oman, concerning overtourism. However, the government of Oman has adopted sustainable strategies and frameworks to address this overtourism challenge. Most respondents asserted that the steps taken to mitigate overtourism were significant in eliminating the challenge of overtourism in Oman.
Blockchain technology has led the evolution of double entry accounting system to triple entry accounting system. Triple entry accounting is an innovative, promising and potential accounting method when implemented properly would be a game changer for dissemination of accounting information. It is an efficient way to address fundamental concerns of accounting information. This chapter discusses the triple entry accounting system, how it is different from double entry accounting and what are the concerns in implementing triple entry accounting. Triple entry accounting holds the potential to fundamentally evolve accounting practices, can enhance the effective utilisation and sustainable management of resources, and can contribute in development of financial markets.
Machine learning is an algorithmic-based auto-learning mechanism that improves from its experiences. It makes use of a statistical learning method that trains and develops on its own without the assistance of a person. Data, characteristics deduced from the data, and the model make up the three primary parts of a machine learning solution. Machine learning generates an algorithm from subsets of data that can utilise combinations of features and weights different from those obtained from basic principles. In this paper, an analysis of customer behaviour is predicted using different machine learning algorithms. The results of the algorithms are validated using python programming.
Biodiversity conservation is a major challenge globally. This global challenge exists due to the Scarcity of funds to preserve biodiversity. The need for more funds is the primary issue in managing biodiversity in this uncertain environment wherein different challenges emerge routinely. Thus, the main purpose of this study is to focus on the issues of biodiversity conservation and to examine alternative sources for biodiversity financing. Biodiversity is a multidimensional aspect covering several facets of the environment. It acts as a life support on earth and is a catalyst for human survival. However, biodiversity conservation is critical due to the Scarcity of biodiversity financing (Negacz, Petersson, Widerberg, Kok, & Pattberg, 2022). Thus, it is the need of the hour to overcome this issue by examining varied sources to generate more funds for preserving biodiversity. The study is based on a systematic review of past research wherein possible alternatives have been provided for generating necessary funds to mitigate biodiversity loss. It is revealed through past literature that though effort is made to combat the problem of funds, a very minimal effort is made at the individual level. More so framework lneeds to be not implemented globally. Therefore, the present study has proposed the practice of Green finance as an innovative financial mechanism to deal with biodiversity loss by emphasising environmental benefits. As laid down in this paper, a theoretical framework about biodiversity loss will encourage researchers to carry out various studies from varied outlooks to have a holistic approach towards this issue, hence ensuring environmental sustainability.
The growing interest of the scientific community in film marketing research can be discovered by the large scale published writings on the subject. Although, in this field, comprehensive and systematic research is still lacking. The important aim of this article is to merge the latest research results of film marketing through bibliometric research on articles published from 1976 to 2020, and to examine and introduce the research outcome from the view of the growth trend of the field; the most productive and influential countries, authors, articles, institutions, and research journals; keywords, author patterns, and international linkages. Research outcomes show that film marketing research increased gradually from 1976 to 2020, especially in the last five to 10 years. During this period, all 500 scholarly articles were published in 331 journals and listed in Scopus. Comparison is drawn between institutions from developing countries (in terms of number of articles) and developed countries (in terms of citation rate). On the basis of key points and three-factor examination, a conclusion is drawn that in the last 10 years, ‘film marketing’ as a keyword has attracted widespread attention.
Researchers have extensively investigated the relationship between employees’ well-being and their financial stress. The state of one’s finances can have an impact on them both directly and indirectly, depending on their organisation and employer. Employees’ job performance will be affected by their level of financial well-being, whether it is high or low. This study’s primary goal is to examine and objectively assess the employee of the tourism industry in India’s financial well-being (FWB). The analysis included 190 respondents from the travel and tourism sector. The instrument for this study was a questionnaire based on descriptive statistics and inferential statistics of one-way ANOVA and correlation analysis. Financial stress and financial well-being were significantly inversely correlated among the employee of tourism industries in India according to Pearson correlation analysis. The study’s findings showed that there was a significant difference between the financial well-being and demographic status of tourism industries employee. The results of this study, which relied on primary data could help the government develop policies to encourage greater and better financial well-being among participants in the tourism business.
The purpose of the article is to analyse the use of cryptocurrencies in general and Bitcoin specifically. The majority of academics are aware of the benefits of using cryptocurrencies for trade facilitation, cost reduction, and similar purposes. Peer-to-peer and remittance transactions without compliance requirements have the potential to be transformed and revolutionised by cryptocurrencies; nevertheless, end users must overcome several obstacles relating to security, privacy, and control in order to take use of Bitcoin. The study elaborates on several facets of cryptocurrencies, beginning with their early development, difficulties and dangers, chances, benefits and drawbacks, and prospects. Secondary data has been used for this study like as from government sources, Scopus indexed journal, famous print media. The study find the addressed challenges pertaining to the operational and technological aspects of cryptocurrencies. And how to resolve the modern problem faced while using cryptocurrency. So we conclude that it is difficult to predict the future of cryptocurrencies, as there is still a lot of work to be done, especially in the area of formal rules.
Implications: In this digital era there is a need for cryptocurrency while the whole world is turning into a cashless economy, this will be useful for our common society and have the best use for implication in the business sector, this will stop the paperwork and sustainability, and, even there is threat cybercrime while the use of cryptocurrency will be increased so by data protection and strong security and protection bill or regulation will give the usual and systematic direction for uses and one line development.
Air pollution is the combination of fine particles and gases in the atmosphere that harm humans and animals. Our objective is to find the various air pollution contaminants and its repercussion on Homo sapiens’ health. We discuss how air quality is measured with the air quality index and measures that help us cope with the consequences of air pollution. To carry out this study, we carried out a systematic literature review to uncover the different dimensions of air pollution and mitigation strategies. From the existing literature and observations of the different data sets, we can conclude that air pollutants have a severe impact on the life of Homo sapiens, causing various diseases such as respiratory issues, skin diseases, etc. Today, we have ample laws, but the need of the hour is to initiate new policies to change the behavioural of Homo sapiens. Our findings will help in decision-making by stakeholders such as policy-makers, manufacturing industries, households, etc. This article will also help in highlighting the need for Homo sapiens behavioural change.
This study aims to investigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on businesses, their operations, and the financial conditions in Sri Lanka. A sample of 19 executive-level employees from 19 companies registered at the Colombo Stock Exchange in Sri Lanka was interviewed. The thematic analysis method was used to analyse the data. It demonstrates the insecurity of the current business situation, as with the pandemic, most large-scale operating companies have been permanently or temporarily closed. The financial condition was categorised into main sub-themes such as business profitability, liquidity problems, the balance of payments, working capital, and cash flows and was highly impacted during the COVID-19 outbreak. The findings of the study help to improve the favourable image of Sri Lankan companies by facilitating solutions to overcome the challenges and difficulties and are beneficial for the relevant government parties to amend policies and for investors to make prudent investment decisions. As a maiden study, this one focused on investigating the pandemic’s impact on business operations and developed a nine-step plan for organisations, employees, and the government to minimise the impact of COVID-19 on their businesses.
This paper surveys the literature on economic research in banking. Two streams of empirical research were reviewed. The first stream of empirical research focus on research examining the effect of bank behaviour on economic performance. The second stream of empirical research focus on research on the effect of economic events on bank behaviour and performance. We provide our views about what we have learned from this research and about what else we would like to know.
In this paper, we analyse and provide an overview of the functions the state aid in Kosovo and demonstrate their compliance with EU rules in fidls of state aid Article 107(3)(b) TFEU. We deal with the level of implementation of state aid rules by Kosovo institutions, especially Kosovo’s Commission for State Aid. We provide an overview of the State of Kosovo in fulfilling its obligation on state aid issues based on the Stabilisation and Association Agreement and others documents, which is a step forward for EU integration. We do this by conducting a comparative analysis of the data collected from both primary and secondary sources to demonstrate the current situation on state aid in Kosovo and determine the most appropriate means to build a strong and efficient National State Aid Commission. Findings from the study show that Kosovo Aid Commission is still in a development phase, and more needs to be done to create an adequate state aid regime. We propose measures to ensure the effective implementation of the state aid law.

- 10.1108/S1569-37592023111B
- Publication date
- 2023-09-28
- Book series
- Contemporary Studies in Economic and Financial Analysis
- Editors
- Series copyright holder
- Emerald Publishing Limited
- 978-1-80455-262-9
- 978-1-80455-261-2
- Book series ISSN
- 1569-3759