List of projects


ISSN: 0305-5728

Article publication date: 1 March 2005



(2005), "List of projects", VINE, Vol. 35 No. 1/2.



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2005, Emerald Group Publishing Limited

List of projects

Here is a list of the projects (in italics) and their output/deliverables:

  • Designing Britain 1945-1975: The Visual Experience of Post-War Society. Visual resources for learning and teaching from the Design History Research Centre Archives that chart the history of British design in the twentieth century (

  • Digital Image Resource for the Practice and Study of Woven and Printed Textiles. Digital images relevant to the practical study of textiles accompanied with learning and teaching packages (

  • ARTWORLD. A resource for the enhancement of teaching and learning in world art studies, providing access to primary visual source materials from art collections held at the Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts, University of East Anglia, Norwich and the Oriental Museum at the University of Durham (

  • The Crafts Study Centre Digitisation Project. Digitised images of artefacts in the Surrey Institute of Art & Design Crafts Study Centre’s collections of twentieth century crafts, together with textual items from part of the archive (

  • Focusing on Images for Learning and Teaching, an Enriched Resource (FILTER). An easy-to-use, image-rich database of learning and teaching resources (tutorials, web pages, PowerPoint slides, etc.) and supporting materials along with detailed descriptive records (

  • Bristol Biomed. A collection of medical, dental and veterinary images donated by academics and available via the web for use in learning and teaching, with supporting materials (

  • Bio Science ImageBank. A databank of freely available bioscience images contributed by academics, researchers, learned societies, industry and individuals with rights cleared for educational purposes (

  • A prototype for a national web-based collection of work by staff and students of UK higher education institutions who have made a significant contribution to UK fine art education through practice (

  • Promoting Image Collections for Learning and Teaching in the Visual Arts (PICTIVA). A range of generic tools to utilise better the search and retrieval of image collections held by AHDS Visual Arts (

  • Digital Egypt for Universities. A data-rich online resource combining new technologies, in particular VRML, with the objects and archives of the Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis and the Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology, University College London (

  • Virtual Norfolk Project. A web site providing full text access to original historical documentary and image material about the county, plus commentary directed toward history learning and teaching, developed in close collaboration with the Norwich and Norfolk Record Office (

  • LEMUR. Access to material in the collections of the University of Aberdeen enhanced for learning and teaching. Digitised items come from Marischal Museum, the University Art Collection, the Natural Philosophy Collection, Special Libraries and Archives and the Herbarium, as well as from collections held by the Departments of Zoology and Geology (

  • MIRACLE. A web-based teaching module in micropalaeontology with links into the UCL microfossil image archive and into catalogues of other international institutions (

  • Rhynie Chert: the biota of early terrestrial ecosystems. A learning and teaching resource based on the Rhynie Chert, a rock formation from north-east Scotland that contains a superbly preserved 400 million-year-old terrestrial and freshwater flora and fauna (

  • Publications and Archives in Teaching Online Information Sources (PATOIS). Electronic tutorial packs to promote the use of Archaeology Data Service resources (

  • CLICK and GO Video. Case studies that examine the perceived local technological, infrastructural and pedagogical barriers to using streaming video in learning and teaching (

  • Lifesign. An evaluation of the use of networked moving picture and sound material for learning and teaching in the life sciences (

  • Handing on Tradition by Electronic Dissemination (HOTBED). A storehouse of digitised sound and video resources, many from the unique archive of traditional Scottish sound materials School of Scottish Studies at the University of Edinburgh (

  • Television and Radio Index for Learning and Teaching (TRILT). An extensive collection of online data on UK broadcasting, covering over 350 UK stations including terrestrial, cable and satellite television, national and local radio, as well as Welsh, Irish, Scottish Gaelic and Asian-language programmes and channels (

  • BIZ/ED Virtual Learning Arcade. Models and simulations in various areas of economics and business with materials to support their use within existing courses (

  • Collection of Historical and Contemporary Census Data and Materials (CHCC). Learning and teaching materials based on the CHCC data and related resources (

  • e-MapScholar. Tools and learning and teaching materials to enhance and support the use of geo-spatial data currently available within tertiary education in learning and teaching, including digital map data available from the EDINA Digimap service (

  • TimeWeb. Bank of web-based learning and teaching materials to support the use of time series data ( international macro datasets are freely available to further and higher education, subject to online registration (

  • MIMAS – CrossFire Training (Learning and Teaching Materials for CrossFire). A web-based learning program to help with use of CrossFire Beilstein and Gmelin (

  • Use of Numeric Data in Learning and Teaching. A report examining local support of numeric data analysis in learning and teaching (

  • Facilitating Access to Information on L&T resources in Engineering (FAILTE). A resource for Engineering lecturers that allows them to identify computer-based materials suitable for their courses (

  • RESULTS. A portal for learning technologists (

  • Electronic Books ON-screen Interface (EBONI). A set of guidelines for publishing educational texts on the web that reflect the needs of academics and a diversifying population of students throughout the UK (

  • Pricing Experiment Library Information Costing Network (PELICAN). A report on charging mechanisms for distributing commercially published electronic texts to students (

  • INveStigating Portals for Information Resources and Learning (INSPIRAL). A study identifying and critically analysing the issues that surround linking virtual learning environments (VLEs) and digital libraries (

  • HERON – supporting e-learning with easy access to digital resources. A one-stop-shop for copyright clearance and digitisation, enabling universities and colleges to provide access to key learning materials for all their students, wherever they are based (

  • Interactive Content Exchange (ICONEX). A web-based repository of interactive content which is browsable and searchable by standard metadata and includes containers for documentation (

  • Virtual Departments for Minority Languages (VDML). A framework to support students and teachers of minority languages (

  • ANGEL. Middleware services to integrate “open” library resources into “closed” online learning environments and courseware portals, providing solutions to problems that are currently obstructing the fluent and free use of the full available information landscape by course instructors and learning technologists (

  • ZBLSA I, ZBLSA II. A linking tool that provides portals with the means to locate services pertaining to journals. It connects discovery of a reference to a journal article with services providing the most appropriate full-text copy in printed or electronic form (

  • Gate Z. A Z39.50 to Z39.50 gateway that can be used to interface Bath-Profile clients to non-Bath Profile targets (

  • JAFER. A Java-based toolkit for building Z39.50 clients and servers (

  • MIMAS Metadata. A single point of access into the disparate, cross-domain MIMAS datasets and services (

  • ITAM. An implementation and evaluation of the evolving DNER technical architecture at MIMAS, using the heterogeneous range of JISC-supported services at MIMAS to prove many aspects of the architecture, increasing the visibility and accessibility of “appropriate” resources (

  • Geo Crosswalk. A gazetteer to support online geographic searching and assist in the geographic indexing of information resources (

  • NMAP. A gateway for the health and medical sciences to evaluated, quality internet resources, aimed at students, researchers, academics and practitioners (

  • History Online. A comprehensive service of online resources for historians, and also about the history profession (books, journal articles, current research and teaching, lecturers and seminars) (

  • Maths Portal. A portal service for the benefit of the maths section of the EEVL RDN hub. A prototype portal to showcase and demonstrate a subject portal (

  • Physical Sciences Subject Portal (PSIgate). A physical sciences information gateway (

  • Eurostudies Gateway. An internet resources catalogue for European Study that extends and deepens the European coverage of SOSIG.The “Internet for European Studies” tutorial (as part of the RDN Virtual Training Suite) (

  • Education Portal. An internet resources catalogue for education also making BEI office data accessible through a portal (

  • Computing Gateway. A searchable and browsable computing section of EEVL (

  • Extension to the RDN Virtual Training Suite. A set of free online tutorials designed to help students, lecturers and researchers improve their internet information literacy and IT skills (

  • Subject Portals Project (SPP). Development work on portal functionality for five of the subject hubs of the Resource Discovery Network (RDN) (

  • Geo Portal. A geo-spatial portal (

  • Inhale/Informs. A set of interactive, web-based learning materials, enabling students to exploit relevant, high quality electronic information and integrated into a VLE (

  • XGRAIN. A broker for use by DNER portals and local institutions that enables cross-searching between Z39.50-compliant abstracting and indexing, and tables of contents, services (

  • DOCUSEND. An accessible, easy to use one stop integrated journal article delivery service (

  • Enhancements to ZETOC. Developed an interoperable Web/Z39.50-compliant interface to The British Library’s Electronic Table of Contents and enhanced service features (

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