Patent abstracts

Sensor Review

ISSN: 0260-2288

Article publication date: 30 March 2010



(2010), "Patent abstracts", Sensor Review, Vol. 30 No. 2.



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2010, Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Patent abstracts

Article Type: Patent abstracts From: Sensor Review, Volume 30, Issue 2

Title: Imaging Measurements System with Periodic Pattern Illumination and TDIApplicant: Ben-Levy Meir (IL)Patent number: WO2009034564 (A2)Publication date: 19 March 2009


A patterned TDI sensor comprising an array of pixels having respective sensitivities to light that varies according to a periodic pattern across said array of pixels, for high throughput applications of imaging and measurement with patterned illumination such as structured illumination, Moire techniques, 3D imaging and 3D metrology. An object is measured by scanning the object with illumination that varies periodically across the object, imaging the object with a patterned TDI sensor having a repetition length matched with the repetition length of the illumination and analyzing the output signal of the TDI sensor to extract information such as height or image of the object.

Title: Portable Metrology DeviceApplicant: Immersion Corp. (USA); Gomez Daniel H. (USA); Steger Ryan (USA)Patent number: WO2009058452 (A1)Publication date: 7 May 2009


Methods and systems for a portable metrology device are described. One embodiment of the present invention is an apparatus including a first link, a first probe coupled with the first link by a first coupling operable to move in a first degree of freedom, a second probe coupled with the first link by a second coupling operable to move in a second degree of freedom, a first sensor operable to output a first sensor signal associated with a motion of the first coupling, and a second sensor operable to output a second sensor signal associated with a motion of the second coupling. The embodiment also includes a processor in communication with the first and second sensors and operable to: receive the first sensor signal and the second sensor signal, and determine a distance between the first probe and the second probe-based at least in part on the first sensor signal and the second sensor signal.

Title: Three-dimensional Nanoscale Metrology using FIRAT ProbeApplicant: Georgia Tech Research Institute (USA)Patent number: US2008307865 (A1)Publication date: 18 December 2008


In accordance with an embodiment of the invention, there is a force sensor for a probe-based instrument. The force sensor can comprise a detection surface and a flexible mechanical structure disposed a first distance above the detection surface so as to form a gap between the flexible mechanical structure and the detection surface, wherein the flexible mechanical structure is configured to deflect upon exposure to an external force, thereby changing the first distance over a selected portion of the gap, the change in distance at the selected portion orienting a probe tip of the force sensor for multi-directional measurement.

Title: Method and Apparatus for Rapid Three-dimensional RestorationApplicant: Prefixa Vision Systems S A DE (MX)Patent number: EP2104365 (A1)Publication date: 23 September 2009


The present invention comprises a method and an apparatus for 3D modelling using the principle of stereo vision with an integrated lighting system used for restoring depth without prior data on the surface reflection. The method includes several initial steps using stereo and radiometric calibration and processes of rectification with a view to obtaining precise results. In addition, an active stereo technique is applied in order to restore dense depth maps from a simple pair of stereo images. This technique is a combination of conventional approaches and stereo photometry and is based on the reflection reciprocity property, which considers an arbitrary surface distribution of the reflection. This particular property is achieved if the object to be restored is acquired in the specific lighting conditions provided by the invention. The active stereo technique is followed by a process of in-depth map calibration. The method also includes a procedure for image acquisition for obtaining the sets of images required for calibration, rectification and 3D restoration processes. The apparatus for stereo acquisition of images comprises internal light sources which are automatically communicated by a lighting control to ensure the reciprocity property, a stereo camera head made up of the optics required for acquiring reciprocal stereo images and a PC compatible interface. Positions of external light sources can be considered as an extension of this apparatus. The method and apparatus can be extended to other cameras or light source configurations for acquiring large objects and/or multiple points for view acquisition. This invention is potentially quicker than other 3D scanners or 3D restoration systems since it requires only two images in order to obtain deep models of objects with an arbitrary distribution of surface reflection such that, the system is useful in a wide range of applications such as metrology, quality control and medical and dynamic 3D modelling.

Title: Machine Vision System for Three-dimensional Metrology and Inspection in the Semiconductor IndustryInventor(s): Upham Jon (USA); Davidson Douglas (USA)Patent number: US2009238442 (A1)Publication date: 24 September 2009


The system of the preferred embodiment includes a structural subsystem to provide both a stable platform and vibration isolation, a camera subsystem to capture the image of a moving object when the object moves into a viewing area, a lighting subsystem to illuminate a moving object, and a controller to selectively activate the lighting subsystem to allow observation of the reflectance of complex objects under different conditions. The system has been specifically designed for illuminating and capturing the image of a moving object, such as the connecting terminals (e.g. leads, ball grids and pads) of packaged electronic components in a manufacturing facility. The system may, however, be used to illuminate and capture the image of any suitable moving or non-moving object.

Title: Method and Device for Recording the Motion Trajectory of Human Body and Separate Parts ThereofApplicant: Moraru Eugen (MD); Nicolaiciuc Oleg (MD)Patent number: MD14 (Y)Publication date: 30 April 2009


The invention relates to the field of sports metrology, particularly to methods for recording the motion trajectory of human body and separate parts thereof. The method for recording the motion trajectory of human body and separate parts thereof consists in that in significant human body points it is placed a device for recording the motion trajectory thereof, including three angular displacement measuring transducers, oriented towards mutually perpendicular axes X, Y, Z and the signals received from the transducers are recorded. On the body there are placed at least five human body motion trajectory measurement devices, each including additionally three linear displacement measuring transducers, oriented towards mutually perpendicular axes X, Y, Y and a 3D compass on base of semiconductors. The signals received from the outputs of all transducers and of the compass are transmitted through an analog multiplexer to an analog-to-digital converter, are encoded and recorded in the flash memory, the data of which are read by means of a high-speed USB interface of an external computer. The device for recording the motion trajectory of human body and separate parts thereof comprises three angular displacement measuring transducers, oriented towards mutually perpendicular axes X, Y, Z, an analog multiplexer, the inputs of which are connected to the outputs of the transducers, an analog-to-digital converter, the input of which is connected to the output of the analog multiplexer, a microcontroller, the input of which is connected to the output of the analog-to-digital converter, a flash memory and a high-speed USB interface, the inputs/outputs of which are connected to the microcontroller. The recording device includes additionally three linear displacement measuring transducers, oriented towards mutually perpendicular axes X, Y, Z and a 3D compass on base of semiconductors, the outputs of which are connected to the inputs of the analog multiplexer.

Title: Three-dimensional Optical Radar Method and Device which Use Three RGB Beams Modulated by Laser Diodes, in Particular for Metrological and Fine Arts ApplicationsApplicant: Enea Ente Nuove Tec (IT); Fornetti Giorgio (IT); Bartolini Luciano (IT); Ferri de Collibus Mario (IT)Patent number: EP2097715 (A1)Publication date: 9 September 2009


The invention relates to a monostatic laser radar device for metrology and 3D colour vision, comprising a transmitter for three unimodal scanning laser beams, which, by means of an achromatic doublet and a scanning camera, focuses the beams exiting from three independent unimodal optical fibres upon the target to be probed, located at a distance dB from a nodal point M of the scanning camera; an incoherent receiver which receives the radiation reflected from the target through the same scanning camera and selectively focusses the received signals upon three multimodal fibres that forward them to suitable photodetectors; and an electronic apparatus that processes said signals; the launching points from the fibres and the receiving points upon the fibres being located on conjugated optical planes, the transmitter and the receiver having a common optical axis, the relationship between the interaxial distance d of the launching fibres and the interaxial distance D of the receiving fibres being expressed by d=D FD/FR, wherein FD represents the focal length of the transmitter and FR represents the focal length of the receiver.

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