Internet page

Sensor Review

ISSN: 0260-2288

Article publication date: 1 September 2004




(2004), "Internet page", Sensor Review, Vol. 24 No. 3.



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2004, Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Internet page

Keywords: Nanotechnology, Sensors, Internet

http://www.foresight.orgForesight Institute

The Foresight Institute is a nonprofit educational organization that focuses on nanotechnology. It aims to guide emerging technologies that will improve the human condition and support systems that will enhance knowledge exchange and critical discussion in this area. Since 1989, Foresight Institute has sponsored conferences on molecular nanotechnology. The proceedings of conferences since 1997 are available online. The 12th Foresight Conference on Molecular Nanotechnology is due to be held in Autumn 2005, while the First Conference on Advanced Nanotechnology: Research, Applications, and Policy will be held on 21-24 October 2004.

This site contains details of careers, events, research etc. and a secure members only section.

http://www.nanoindustries.comNanotechnology Industries

Established in 1998, Nanotechnology Industries promotes research development and application of nanotechnology through Web design, online public awareness, electronic news service, and consultation. It also aims to provide a common forum, sustain and support technological growth, and be a source of direction.

The site contains numerous definitions related to nanotechnology extracted from various Web sources. Unfortunately, it contains more biographical details of the site originator than of anything very useful.


This site provides an extensive lists of references, books, laboratories, online articles and theses, all relating to nanotechnology. It is a more academically oriented site than many of its counterparts and is well worth visiting.

http://www.nanotechnology.ethz.chNanotechnology Group

This is the site for the Nanotechnology Group of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology. Their current research falls into three main categories: natural nanofabrication, micro- and nanohandling, and linking the macro and nanoworld. Natural nanofabrication provides manufacturing techniques for the micro and nanoscale that rely on assembly principles observed in living cells. These include maskless techniques outside of cleanrooms, at the solid- liquid interface, and are suitable for a wide range of materials. The Nanotechnology Group also specializes in developing advanced quantitative imaging techniques and instruments based on scanning probe and optical microscopy, and improving current lithography processes for high-resolution patterning of substrates.

This site provides easy to understand descriptions of a wide range of items and subjects and how they work or their underlying principles. All the definitions are highly cross-referenced and provide links to alternative sources of information where it is available.

A description of nanotechnology is given, along with its potential uses in the future, and some of the major investors and researchers.

www.appliednanoworks.comApplied NanoWorks

Applied NanoWorks delivers nanotechnology solutions for research, product development and technology innovation. Their nanocrystal technologies deliver a wide range of nanocompounds ranging in size, form factor and properties and includes semiconductors, metals and oxides. They also provide nanocrystal research materials, consultancy services and a crystal certification service.

This is an easy to navigate site offering base products for use in production or further research. It also contains links to many other relevant sites. (International) Ltd

Emitech is a world leader in the development of sample preparation equipment for use in the electron microscopy industry. Their equipment includes: sputter coating systems; carbon coating and evaporation systems; freeze driers; critical point driers; RF plasma (ashing/etching) units; cryogenic systems for electron microscopes; and MEMS equipment. Emitech supplies a wide range of universities, hospitals and large semiconductor companies.

Hot sites

The Web site provides a database referencing all nanotechnology articles from several selected scientific research journals. It contains over 4,600 entries and is an excellent source for obtaining the latest developments in the broad area of nanotechnology.

http://www.nano.govNational Nanotechnology Initiative

National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI) was established by the US government to promote research into nanotechnology. In 2005, it will receive almost a billion dollars of funding, which is split between university research efforts, and the projects of several governmental agencies, including the National Science Foundation, the Department of Defense, the Department of Energy, the National Institutes of Health, NASA and the National Institute of Standards and Technology.

This is a superb site and is easy to navigate and contains information that is suitable for a wide audience.

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