Walking and Sustainable Tourism: “Streetsadvisor.” A Stated Preference GIS-Based Methodology for Estimating Tourist Walking Satisfaction in Rome
Sustainable Transport and Tourism Destinations
ISBN: 978-1-83909-128-5, eISBN: 978-1-83909-127-8
Publication date: 8 February 2021
This chapter proposes a methodology to develop a tool aimed at helping tourists moving sustainably in Rome, focusing on the “last mile” of their transport experience, that is, walking trips. The methodology consists of the development of a stated preference survey, where tourists’ preferences are elicited with respect to alternative configurations of walking paths. This is performed by taking into consideration path accessibility, interference with other modes of transport, and thermal comfort aspects. Besides, georeferenced data are collected and systematized with the overall aim to create a geographical information system of the first municipality of Rome with useful information to evaluate the status of the walking network. The results of the analysis help to understand the relevant factors affecting tourists’ walking behavior. Additionally, the chapter provides the preliminary considerations needed for the definition of a “tourist walking satisfaction indicator” related to their walking experience with two aims: first, it provides useful information for policy-makers on how to design and manage walking networks; second, it provides a framework for a tourist traveler information system (a “StreetsAdvisor”) that can guide them in the city on the base of their heterogeneous preferences.
The work has been developed within the Project “Smart Environments” of The University of Roma Tre (CUP F82I15000450002) and with the support of the Transport Research Lab (TRElab) and the LIST lab (Laboratorio di Ingegneria dei Sistemi di Trasporto) of the University of Roma Tre.
Pira, M.L., Gemma, A., Gatta, V., Carrese, S. and Marcucci, E. (2021), "Walking and Sustainable Tourism: “Streetsadvisor.” A Stated Preference GIS-Based Methodology for Estimating Tourist Walking Satisfaction in Rome", Zamparini, L. (Ed.) Sustainable Transport and Tourism Destinations (Transport and Sustainability, Vol. 13), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 45-58. https://doi.org/10.1108/S2044-994120210000013007
:Emerald Publishing Limited
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