
Library Hi Tech News

ISSN: 0741-9058

Article publication date: 1 April 2002



Gelfand, J. (2002), "Journals", Library Hi Tech News, Vol. 19 No. 4.



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2002, MCB UP Limited



Against the Grain, Vol. 13 No. 6, December 2001/January 2002 ISSN: 1043-2094

This is an issue with thematic content on e-books.

Miriam Gilbert, "Ebooks ex machina? Dispatches from the New Digital Information Order," p. 1.

Kelly Franklin, "The Shot Heard 'Round the Publishing World'," p. 20.

Nancy Gibbs, "e-Books Two Years Later: The North Carolina State University Perspective," p. 22.

Mary-Alice Lynch, "A Collaborative Introduction of a New Technology," p. 26.

Mark Bide and Kim Richardson, "The e-Book and the National Library," p. 30.

Sherry Thompson, "Health Science eContent Distribution: The Challenges and Opportunities," p. 34.

Rick Lugg and Ruth Fischer, "The Host with the Most: eBook Distribution to Libraries," p. 35.

College and Research Libraries, Vol. 63 No. 1, January 2002

Marianne Foley, "Instant Messaging Reference in an Academic Library," pp. 36-45.

College and Research Libraries News, Vol. 63 No. 1 January 2002 ISSN: 0099-0086

Christopher Cox, "Becoming Part of the Course: Using Blackboard to Extend One-Shot Library Instruction," pp. 11, 13, 39.

Computers in Libraries, Vol. 22 No. 1, January 2002 ISSN: 1041-7915

Jeff Rosen and Gina Castro, "From Workbook to Web: Building an Information Literacy OASIS," pp. 30-35.

First Monday, Vol. 7 No. 1, January 7, 2002 ISSN: 1396-0466

Isabel Alvarez and Brent Kilbourn, "Mapping the Information Society Literatures: Topics, Perspectives and Root Metaphors."

Kim Nayyer, "Globalization of Information: Intellectual Property Law Implications."

Drazen Pantic, "Internet the Globalizer, and the Impossibility of the Impossibility of the Global Dialog."

Kostas Kasaras, "Music in the Age of Free Distribution: MP3 and Society."

First Monday, Vol. 7 No. 2, February 4, 2002 ISSN: 1396-0466

Fred Gault and Susan A. McDaniel, "Continuities and Transformations: Challenges to Capturing Information about the 'Information Society'."

V. Kravchyna and S.K. Hastings, "Inforamtonal Value of Museum Web Sites."

Mark Fox, "Technological and Social Drivers of Change in the Online Music Industry."

Government Technology, January 2002 and

Darby Patterson, "New Leaders Emerge: 2001 Digital State Summary," pp. 29-30.

Information Outlook, Vol. 6 No. 1, January 2002 ISSN: 1091-0808

Rebecca Jones and Jane Dysart, "Designing and Redesigning Information Services for Maximum Impact," pp. 22-24.

Information Research: An International Electronic Journal, Vol. 7 No. 2, January 2002 ISSN: 1368-1613

Information Technology and Libraries, Vol. 20 No. 4, December 2001 ISSN: 0730-9295

Dan Marmion, "The Open Source Movement and Libraries," see www.

Peter E. Murray, "Library Web Proxy Use Survey Results," pp. 172-78.

Feng-Kwei Wang and John Wedman, "eThemes: An Internet Instructional Resource Service," pp. 179-84.

Champa Jayawardana, K. Priyantha Hewagamage and Masahitoo Hirakawa, "A Personalized Information Environment for Digital Libraries," pp. 185-97.

Gail Golderman, "Weaving Multimedia in the Collection: One Library's Journey", pp. 198-201.

Jody Condit Fagan and Michele Calloway, "Creating an Instant Messaging Reference System," pp. 202-12.

Michelle Mach, "The Service of Server-Side Includes," pp. 213-18.

InfoWorld, Vol. 24 No. 4, January 28, 2002

Mark Leon, "Netting Options for Connectivity," pp. 38-40.

InfoWorld, Vol. 24 No. 5, February 4, 2002

"2001 InfoWorld Technology of the Year," – Top 10 Technologies: Web Services, XML, 802.11 Wireless LANs, Peer-to-Peer, 64-bit Systems, Portals, Customer Relationship Management, Network Attached Storage, Relational Databases, & Handhelds, pp. 44-52.

Internet World, February 2002

Brad Johnson, "The Stealth Vulnerability: Tips for Getting a handle on Wireless LAN Security", pp. 58-59.

Journal of Electronic Publishing, Vol. 7 No. 2, December 2001 – issue devoted to Content Management

Charles W. Bailey, "Evolution of an Electronic Book: The Scholarly Electronic Publishing Bibliography."

John Willinsky and Larry Wolfson, "The Indexing of Scholarly Journals: A Tipping Point for Publishing Reform."

Mike Sosteric, Yuwei Shi and Olivier Wenker, "The Upcoming Revolution in the Scholarly Communication System."

Journal of Library Administration, Vol. 32 Nos 3/4, 2001 ISSN: 0193-0826

Stuart Glugoff, "Information Technology in the Virtual Library: Leadership in Times of Change, " pp. 59-80.

George Needham, "The Concept of Leadership in Technology-Related Organizations," pp. 133-44.

Learning & Leading with Technology, Vol. 29 No. 4, December/January 2001-2002 ISSN: 1082-5754

Drew Tiene and Pamela Luft, "Classroom Dynamics in a Technology-Rich Learning Environment," pp. 10-13.

Library Hi Tech, Vol. 19 No. 4, 2001 – Special Issue on E-Books ISSN: 0737-8831

Karen Coyle, "Stakeholders and Standards in the ebook Ecology: Or It's the Economics, Stupid," pp. 314-24.

Roberta Burk, "E-Book Devices and the Marketplace: In Search of Customers," pp. 325-31.

Ana Arias Terry, "Electronic Ink Technologies: Showing the Way to a Brighter Future," pp. 376-89.

Gary J. Brown, "Beyond Print: Reading Digitally," pp. 390-99.

Ron Gilmour, "Serving XML: Practical Techniques for the Dissemination of Structured Electronic Information," pp. 408-14.

Library Journal, Vol. 127, 2002 ISSN: 0363-0277

Joe Janes, "How to Think About Technology," pp. 50, 52.

Joan Frye Williams, "Six Hot Technologies with a Purpose," p. 51.

Library Journal Net Connect (Supplement to Library Journal) Winter 2002

Laura Hudson, "A New Age of Accessibility," pp. 19-21.

Laura Braun, "What: Good To Read: Training Lessons in the Art of Instruction," pp. 22-24.

Thomas Dowling, "XP for Libraries," pp. 26-27.

Vince Mariner, "Logging Usability," pp. 30-31.

Link-Up, Vol. 19 No. 1, January/February 2002

Wallys W. Conhaim, "The Internet: Broadband, Part II," pp. 3, 6.

Thomas Pack, "Give Your Hard Drive a Vaccination: Norton AntiVirus 2002 Adds New Features," p. 8.

Mobile Government, Supplement to Government Technology, January 2002 – issue devoted to Wireless Technologies

Steve Towns, "Enterprising Wireless," pp. 12-13.

Shane Peterson, "Security Complex," pp. 14-16.

John Marcotte, "Proponents Say Grassroots Wireless Networks Give Power Back to the People," pp. 22-23.

MultiMedia Schools, Vol. 9 No. 1, January/February 2002 ISSN: 1075-0479

Mary Alice Anderson, "The Media Center: Compiling a Profile of Staff Technology Skills," pp. 20-23.

Kay Lehmann, "Excel as You've Never Seen It," pp. 42-45.

Margaret Lincoln, "Internet Plagiarism: An Agenda for Staff Inservice and Student Awareness, " pp. 46-49.

Rob Reilly, "The Net Works: Resources for Decision-Making in a Digital Age," pp. 70-72.

Online, Vol. 26 No. 1, January/February 2002 ISSN: 0146-5422

Thomas Pack, "Image Searching Across the Web," pp. 30-35.

Joe Dysart, "Creating a Truly International Web Site," pp. 50-53.

Barbie Keiser, "More Tips for Enhancing the Value of Your Web Site," pp. 54-60.

Darlene Fichter, "Intranets and Elearning: A Perfect Partnership," pp. 68-71.

Reference & User Services Quarterly, Vol. 41 No. 2, Winter 2002 ISSN: 1094-9054

Carol A. Powell and Pamela S. Bradigan, "E-Mail Reference Services: Characteristics and Effects on Overall Reference Services at an Academic Health Sciences Library," pp. 170-78.

Reference Services Review, Vol. 29 No. 4, 2001 ISSN: 0090-7324

Jimmy Ghaphery, Martin Kesselman and Sarah Barbara Watstein, "Personalized Information Clients: Short Answers to Simple Questions about 'my library' Services," pp. 276-81.

School Library Journal, Vol. 48 No. 1, January 2002 ISSN: 0362.8390

Walter Minkel, "TechKnowledge Column"

Searcher, Vol. 10 No. 1, January 2002 ISSN: 1070-4795

Nicholas Tomaiuoto, "When Image is Everything: Finding and Using Graphics from the Web," pp. 10-27.

Meyer Kutz, "The Scholars' Rebellion Against Scholarly Publishing Practices: Varmus, Vitek, and Venting," pp. 29, 31-43

Technology & Learning, Vol. 22 No. 6, January 2002 ISSN: 1053-6728

Salpeter, Judy, "Accountability: Meeting the Challenge with Technology," pp. 20-30.

Prepared by Julia Gelfand(, Applied Sciences Librarian, University of California, Irvine and co-editor, LHTN.

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