5ECM, the Fifth European Congress of Mathematics


ISSN: 0368-492X

Article publication date: 17 June 2008



(2008), "5ECM, the Fifth European Congress of Mathematics", Kybernetes, Vol. 37 No. 6. https://doi.org/10.1108/k.2008.06737fac.004



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2008, Emerald Group Publishing Limited

5ECM, the Fifth European Congress of Mathematics

Article Type: Special announcements From: Kybernetes, Volume 37, Issue 6

Amsterdam, July 14-18, 2008

5ECM is the fifth in a row of highly successful congresses that cover the broad range of the mathematical sciences, from very applied to very pure, and which are organised under the auspices of the European Mathematical Society. This year’s congress will be organised in Amsterdam, under the special patronage of the Koninklijk Wiskundig Genootschap (Royal Dutch Mathematical Society – the KWG), by the mathematical departments of the VU University, the University of Amsterdam, and CWI. The preceding ECMs were held in Paris (1992), Budapest (1996), Barcelona (2000) and Stockholm (2004).

The scientific committee of 5ECM, headed by Lex Schrijver (CWI and University of Amsterdam) has composed a wonderful programme with ten plenary talks by outstanding mathematicians, three science lectures by top scientists and 32 invited talks by top specialists. A prize committee chaired by Rob Tijdeman (Leiden University) is busy selecting ten of the most promising young European mathematicians who will each be awarded a prize of €5,000 and who will be invited to present a talk. In addition, there are 22 mini symposia to learn about the newest developments in the various areas of specialization of mathematics.

For more information, please visit: www.5ecm.nl/

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