6th Systems Science European Congress


ISSN: 0368-492X

Article publication date: 20 February 2007



Vallée, R. (2007), "6th Systems Science European Congress", Kybernetes, Vol. 36 No. 1. https://doi.org/10.1108/k.2007.06736aab.003



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2007, Emerald Group Publishing Limited

6th Systems Science European Congress

The 6th Systems Science European Congress (6ème Congrès Europèen de Science des Systèmes) of Union Europèenne de Systèmique (UES, European Systems Science Union) was held in Paris from 19 to 22 September 2005 in cooperation with Association Franc¸aise de Science des Systèmes (AFSCET affiliated to WOSC, formerly AFCET) and Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts et Métiers (Paris), with the patronage of UNESCO and French Government. The President of the Congress was Prof. Emanuel Nunez (also President of AFSCET). The official languages were French and English, with translations for the plenary lectures.

More than 200 communications were proposed (4 symposia and 22 workshops). Most of the participants came from France, USA, Italy and Germany, other were from Belgium, Portugal, Poland, Tunisia, Canada. Russia, Spain, Switzerland were also represented as well as Bulgaria, China, Czech Republic, Greece, Korea, The Netherland, Slovenia and Turkey. Proceedings containing abstracts and also a CD were distributed at the opening. A book with syntheses of the workshops and symposia is under preparation.

The symposia, plenary lectures and workshops were devoted to: dialogue between therapists and systemicians (Chair. Jacques Mieremont), Systems dynamics (Michel Karsky), Governance, law and technology (Danièle Bourcier), Socio-cybernetics (Bernd Hornung); Systemics, complexity, transdisciplinarity (Joël de Rosnay), Noosphere and ethical governance (Edgar Morin), Governance of Europe and Hommage to Joseph Fontanet, first French political man to be interested in systems (Jacques Barrot); Ago-antagonism (Chair. Elie Bernard-Weil), Similarity and resemblance (Jean-Francois Omhover, Bernadette Bouchon Meunier), Emergence in complex systems (Gianfranco Minati), Living, systemics and society (Emmanuel Nunez), Epistemology and systemics (Eric Schwarz), Initiators of systems science (Robert Vallée), Science and art of intervention (Bernard Balcet), Modelisation and graphic language (Daniel Durand), Art and systemics (Jean-Francois Vautier), Cognitive science and language (Evelyne Andreewski), Acting knowledge in organisation (Marie-Josè Avenier, Christophe Schmitt), Artificial intelligence (Jean-Paul Bois), Symbolic and religious systems (Gèrrd Donnadieu), Territory and complexity (Esther Dubois), Physics and systemics (Franc¸ois Dubois, Michel Bitbol), Defence and systemics (Henri Egèa), Attitudes in front of catastrophes, (Stèphane Grès), Corporate govenance (Pierre Peyrè), Political systems (Marie-Noëlle Sarget), Systemics and economy (Christian Schmidt), New perspectives in social sciences (Pascal Roggero, Simon Laflamme), Organisation dynamics (Michel Liu).

A welcome cocktail was offered, at the Mairie du 15ème arrondissement, on the first day. The official dinner took place on the first floor of the Eiffel Tower. In brief the congress was very successful as well as those which were held under the aegis of UES, since 2001, in Lausanne, Prague, Rome, Valencia and Crete.

Robert Vallée

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