A historical record of pansystem theory


ISSN: 0368-492X

Article publication date: 1 December 2006



(2006), "A historical record of pansystem theory", Kybernetes, Vol. 35 No. 10. https://doi.org/10.1108/k.2006.06735jae.002



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2006, Emerald Group Publishing Limited

A historical record of pansystem theory

Pansystem Theory: A Historical RecordWu XuemouPress of Chinese S&T UniversityHefei, 230026, China2005ISBN 7-312-01784-3/N•21157 pp., 100+Illus., 500+Theorems.RMB ¥198 (hardcover)

Review DOI10.1108/03684920610688676


Professor Wu Xuemou has published a definitive historical record of pansystems theory. This is an appropriate time to review the work and its publication.

Pansystems theory is a transfield pan-netlike academic research on philosophy and non-philosophy, mathematics and non-mathematics, technology and non-technology, systems, humanities and poetics, etc. The concrete creations are concerning many tens of disciplines or topics according to the principle combing philosophy-mathematics-technology with generalized quantification. The mission of pansystems researches is to inherent, deepen, develop, integrate, net-connect various thoughts and methods, and to explore an internet-like academic mutual inductance and reciprocity.

About 300 papers with 800 theorems-principles, 1,000-year-luck across 100 scholars. Pansystems researches were enrolled or quoted into 166 or more encyclopedias, grand dictionaries and monographs published in China and overseas.

The book includes 68 or more classic papers and many hundreds of theorems with proofs and related train of thought. It is a refined epitome of 300 documents/1,000 theorems or principles summed up as the PVOR (pansystems variational OR, the refine epitome of the true and the good): V–d(xy)=*0*/PRR0P0/0**.

Scope V2panderivative d/pansystems (xy)=*panextrema 0*/(perfection, regrets, skillfulness/realism2suboptimization, panoptimization principles)/d(0*)–net 0**.

The typical theory-methods include actualizations of the so-called PanConcepts and PanMethods: generalized systems, relations, transformations, differentials, integrations, variations, symmetry, limit, extrema, quantification, optimization, shengke, equations, relativity, logic, vitality, agents, computer, approximation, expansion, etc. – 20 PanStemCells.

Within the new framework of pansystems, a lot of topics get certain creative investigations, such as: ontology, epistemology, methodology, meta-methodology, value theory, philosophical logic, philosophical anthropology, meta-philosophy, meta-science, dialectics, yinyang analysis, metamathematics, many subbranches of mathematics, physical methodology, philosophies on the nature, society, thinking, science, history, systems, systems engineering, information, cybernetics, relativity, fractals, complexity, vitality, biosystems, medicine, aesthetics, poetics, computer, IT, AI, PR, DM, OR, paradox, strategy, fuzziness research, rough set theory, education, psychology, sociology, economics, etc.

Man proposes, God disposes. The planning lies with man, the outcome with Heaven. Related with the specific historical lot, era megawave and mission, the author is lucky to be a philosopher, mathematician, systems scientist and a poet with his own style. His concrete frontier research work can be classified into seven classes:

(1) Systems science and thinking science.

(2) Methodology, transformation-simulation theory, pansymmetry principle.

(3) Pansystems relativity.

(4) Philosophy.

(5) Aesthetics and poetics.

(6) Mathematics, pansystems variational or in pansystems metric space, approximation-transforming theory. Got many hundreds of new theorems. Created new type pansystems metric space theory with panorder measurement to develop pansystems variational OR, operator-variational theory, non-linear functional analysis, and developed pansystems-styled researches on harmonic analysis in the strip domain or functional space and almost periodic function theory, unified theory of approximation-transformations, mathematical theory of generalized systems (pansystems quantification, pansystems variational OR and the transformations of pansystems relations) and new type Faber series theory, including certain extending, development, deepening or renewing related theorems, concepts, principles and methods of 80 international famous mathematicians.

(7) Equivalence theory of dynamics of electromagnetic media and mathematical physics.

The book embodies the concrete frontier research work of the author. From the book people can find a wide spectrum of ideas, subjects, etc. and a series of significant topics or conjectures waited for further exploration. Meanwhile the author presented many trains of methodological thoughts for approach.

And from the book we can watch an academic sight with mega-combination of multidiscipline and the ideas of many famous scholars.

The important researches of more than 100 international scholars and Chinese or eastern masters, scholars, masters and philosophers are inherited, developed, deepen the cognition, or renewed.

Confucius, Laozi, Mozi, Sunzi, Mencius, Zhuangzi, Zhu Xi, Wang Shouren, Su Shi, Neijing (CTM), Book of Changes (Yi-learning), Buddha (Buddhism), etc.

Aristotle, Ascoli, Atiyah, Alfvén, Ahlberg, Alipier, H.Bohr (founder of the concept of the almost period function), N. Bohr, Bieberbach, Banach, Besicovitch, Bellman, Bernstein, Bertalanffy, Babushka, Bourbaki, Barry, Bers, Bunge, Buckley, Birkhoff, Burnside, I.G. Babour, Cauchy, Croce, Cowling, Carstoiu, Carleman, Carnegie, Descartes, Diderot, Dilworth, Dubovitsky, Euler, Eidelheit, Fourier, Fatou, Fekete, Faber, Frechét, Felipoff, Fechner, Ford, Fulkerson, Farrell, Gauss, Gateaux, Garlerkin, Hardy, Hilbert, Hopkins, Hall, Harrik, L. Hurwicz, Jackson, F. Klein, M. Klein, Kellogg, Kuhn-Tucker, T. Kuhn, Keldersh, Kakutani, Kantorovitch, Kalman, Klir, Kaczmarz, Leibniz, Lagrange, Lipps, Littlewood, Lindelöf, Liusjiernik, Loomis, Levinson, Lax, Mendeleleyev, Mandelbrot, Montel, Mergelian, Marcinkiewicz, Markov, Mazur, Michlin, Miliugin, Miller, Mesarovic, Mignot, Maslow, Neumann, Nöether, Nikonisky, Protagoras, Pavlov, Plekhanov, Paley, Poisson, Piaget, Pawlak, PurkyneÏ, Privalov, Polya, Edward de Pono, Richtmyer, B.Russell, H.G.Russell, Rabeniky, Scheler, Shannon, Sewell, Seidel, Stepanoff, Sobolev, Smirnoff, Stechkin, Szegö, Slater, Simon, Steinhaus, Taylor, Tsuji, Timan, Thomson, J. F. Thomson, Uzawa, Weierstrass, Whitehead, Weber, Walén, Wiener, Weyl, Weil, Walsh, Warschawski, Wymore, Van der Waerden, Yilin, Yivanov, Zarantonello, Zygmund, Zadeh, etc.

The book contains the process, train of thought and methodology of the author in his various creative investigations and poetic life. Many academic stories and anecdotes are included.

The concrete chapters include: Pansystems: Coming and Going!PanRationality/ d(xy)=*0*/PRR'P0; The Scientific Research Career of pansystems; Sketch and Illustrations; Pansystems Methodology: A Transfield Investigation of Generalized Systems-Transformations-Symmetry (43 Theorems); Pansystems Philosophical Logic: A Survey; Investigation and Applications of Pansystems Recognition Theory and Pansystems Operations Research of Large Scale Systems: 100 Theorems; Variation Transforming Analysis (50 Theorems); Completeness of Sets of Functions (22 Theorems); On Some Boundary Properties of Conformal Mapping (5 Theorems); Some Properties of Analytic Function Omitting Two Values (7 Theorems); Note on Some Function-Theoretic Inequalities (5 Theorems); A Theorem on the Poisson Integral; Error-Transforming Analysis of Faber Series (5 Theorems); On Bieberbach Polynomials (6 Theorems); Pansystems Methodology: Concepts, Theorems and Applications (I)-(VIII)(300 Theorems); Generalized Principle of Optimality in Pansystems Network Analysis; Generalized Fundamental Equation in Pansystems Network Analysis; Some Pansystems Models of General Equilibrium in Economics; Pansystems Investigations on Nonlinearity and Pansystems Cybernetics (13 Theorems); Pansystems Methodology and Constructions of Magic Squares; Pansystems Analysis: Some New Investigations of Logic, Observocontrollability and Fuzziness (22 Theorems); Pansystems-784e—›Relativity, Panenet Hermeneutics: IDK-Systems and History Rediscovery; Pansystems Cybernetics: Framework-Methodology-Development; Pansystems Thinking and Investigations: Difference-Identity-Clustering; Pansystems Philosophy and Its Mathematical Principles; Pansystems Relativity: Panorama and Further Investigations; Pansystems Variational Operations Research and Pansystems Conjectures; A Pansystems Theory of Information: From Wiener, Shannon, von Neumann, Turing, Kalman to Pansystems; Pansystems Methodology and Its Applications: Cybernetics and Epistemology, Shengkeology and Sociology; Pansystems Rediscovery: 784e—›Biosystems, Society, Economy, Management; Pansystems Methodology/ Relativity: 784e—›R-SOME and [PjRjR0jP0]; Pansystems Cost-Operations Research (PansysCOR): Cost Management System (ABC/M); Pansystems Analysis: Cultivating Core-Competence of Enterprises; Pansystems Psychology of Learning: Confucius—›Leibniz, Kant, Gauss and Piaget; Pansystems OR Principles to Society-Economy Systems; A Pansystems Topology Approach on Grayscale Image Processing; Pansystems Theory: Boundary and Rough Sets; Pansystems-784e Evaluation: IDK-Structures (Image-Data-Knowledge); Pansystems Theory: A Transfield Multilayer Network-like Research; Pansystems Recognition Research; Pansystems Relativity on Observation; Pansystems-784e: Duality and Relativity; Pansystems Analysis: Mathematics, Methodology, Relativity and Dialectical Thinking; Pansystems Mathematics: Background and Development; Pansystems Philosophy and Its Encyclopaedia-Connecting Applications; Pansystems: Methodology and Relativity From Confucius, Laozi, Descartes to Einstein; Pansystems Generalized Quantification and Its Application in Audit Risk Assessment; Pansystems Mathematics: An Analysis of Panweighted Field-Network; Pansystems Philosophy, Pansystems Mathematics (PPPM) and Applications to PTMS: Affairology, Physics, Technology, Medicine and Strategics; Pansystems: Fantastic Dreams in Chaotic Paradoxes (The Birth of Pan-Metaphysics/ Philosophy and Non-Philosophy) (Abstract and Contents); Pansystems Theory-Methods; Pansystems Variational OR and Applications; Pansystems Variational Principle and 7-Step Comprehension; Pansystems-Utopia Dreams Non-dreams – Pansystems Conjectures and Pansystems Variational Principle/Pansystems Utopia PRR0P0- Programme; Pansystems Associations and Comprehensions 784e—›Mode-Method Core-Generalized Quantification/Systems OR-Intelligence Promotion-Network Panoptimization; Pansystems Theory and Biology-like Thinking for Complex Supersystems Operations; Approximation-Transforming Theory: Investigations and Applications (52 Theorems); A Guide to Pansystems Concepts; Pansystems Cybernetics: 30 Theorems; Pansystems Simulative Investigation on Chaos and Strange Attractor; Pansystems Recognition: Education OR; Pansystems Theory: 500 Problems; Pansystems on Paradise Boundary, etc.

Zhou Xiaolu

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