Human cells may process information


ISSN: 0368-492X

Article publication date: 1 April 1999




Rudall, B.H. (1999), "Human cells may process information", Kybernetes, Vol. 28 No. 3.



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 1999, MCB UP Limited

Human cells may process information

Keywords Automation, Cybernetics, Research, Technological developments

Abstract Gives reports and surveys of selected current research and development in systems and cybernetics. They include: Human cells may process information, Artificial brain, Genetics smartcard, Robotic revolution, Application of AI, New devices in medicine, Innovations in cybernetics and systems.

Human cells may process information

Cells as computers

A recent report on the Internet ( had the heading "DNA the logical way ahead". It was one of many that have appeared worldwide in the last decade concerning the harnessing of cells to form the computers of the future. The general belief is that cells can be made to mimic the functions of computers. In particular they have been seen as possible replacements for silicon or other materials that have been used in our computing machines to produce logical devices. The report gives an insight into the researches of two scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology USA, Drs Sussman and Knight, who want to produce biological cells that are programmable just like processors. To do this, we are told, they need to manipulate what goes on inside to mimic the working of the logic gates in microprocessors. They are encouraged in their work by the fact that cells contain material that has several advantages over silicon. The report says that:

It has been debugged for far longer than silicon, is used in far more computational devices than silicon and is very easy to reproduce. The material is DNA. DNA coupled with natural selection, is unbeatable when it comes to preserving information. Consider for a moment the cluster of genes called "hox". This little marvel tells the cells in an embryo where they are on the body so they know what to grow into, be it legs, lungs, or lymph nodes. Hox appeared first some three billion years ago and has been quietly doing the same job the same way for countless generations.

With this in view, Sussman and Knight of MIT want to get DNA to make logic gates. If they could achieve this then obviously, all sorts of biochemical engineering becomes possible.

Programming cells

If DNA can act as logic gates then it will be possible to "program" cells.

Sussman says that:

Cells are ultimately a good mechanism for construction of molecular-scale machines that can do other useful tasks. We want to program cells to make these machines for us.

If such advances are possible many other researchers would find this capability most useful. Many research teams worldwide are currently looking at the creation of nanoscale devices but lack the means of manufacturing them. Using DNA to produce them may well be the answer. The report does concede, however, that although DNA is a proven media for preserving information it is not naturally logical. What is needed is the ability to manipulate DNA to act in a way that makes it programmable.

Sussman and Knight believe that:

A cell is essentially a tiny protected chemical reaction chamber. By taking some of the chemical mechanisms within a cell we can make them act more predictably. The main chemical mechanism to control is the protein production line since proteins are the most vital chemical complexes in our bodies. They are used everywhere to make cell walls, carry messages and to catalyse reactions. Genes, the short sections of DNA on the larger helix, tell the rest of the cell how to make amino acids. These are then joined up into chains of up to 100,000 units to make proteins. Once a protein has been built it folds into a characteristic shape and goes to work.

The report from MIT continues to explain how a collection of mechanisms can be used so that a cell can be told what to do. At this stage the researchers are contemplating using E. coli or an even simpler organism called Mycoplasma capricolum. The first logic gate, we are told, that the scientists want to try to mimic is the inverter which turns off into on and vice versa. Combine a couple of these and a NOR gate can be obtained (i.e. if A and B are false then C is true). Other gates would then follow.

Obviously, the main challenge is to make one gate and Sussman appears to be confident of this when he says that:

The actual construction of a gate in itself is not hard ­ there are many similar naturally occurring mechanisms. What we are working on is being able to make the logic circuits we want reliably.

There is little doubt that this is another research venture which has great promise and reports of its progress are eagerly awaited by the cybernetics and systems community. In particular it yet again illustrates that modern research depends on advances in many disciplines and this endeavour is an excellent example of a multidisciplinary approach in a field which is largely biocybernetic in origin.

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