Special Announcements


ISSN: 0368-492X

Article publication date: 1 February 1998



(1998), "Special Announcements", Kybernetes, Vol. 27 No. 1. https://doi.org/10.1108/k.1998.06727aac.002



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 1998, MCB UP Limited

Special Announcements

International Joint Congress ­ Cybernetics and Ecology

7-10 November 1998, Dragan European Foundation ­ Palma de Mallorca, Spain

Organizing committee:

President: Professor Joseph C. Dragan, Italy

Cybernetics Academy Odobleja:

  • Professor Dr Thedor Maghiar, Romania

  • Professor Robert Vallée, France

  • Dr Biol. Gavril Acalugaritei, Romania

  • Antonio Calvo Villamanan, Spain

European Association for Bioeconomic Studies:

  • Dr Eberhard K. Seifert, Germany

  • Professor John Gowdy, USA

  • Professor Mihai C. Demetrescu, Romania

  • Professor Richard Göller, Austria

Scientific Secretary: Eng. Ioana I. Hoisescu

Keynote speakers:

  • Professor Jean Ramaekers, Belgium

  • Professor Robert Vallée, France

  • Professor Reginald Revans, Great Britain

  • Professor William H. Pemberton, USA

  • Professor Franz M. Wuketits, Austria

  • Professor John Gowdy, USA

Main topics of the Congress:

  • General Theory of Living Systems (Biocybernetics, Psychocybernetics, Sociocybernetics, Anthropocybernetics, Gerontocybernetics, Pharmaco-cybernetics, Medical Cybernetics, Genetic Engineering)

  • Implications of Ecological Topics on Life and Society (Education, Science, Culture, Civilization, Individual, National and International Security)

  • Approaches to the Interdependencies between Cybernetics and Ecology

  • EABS Session: Evolutionary Epistemology and Bioeconomics

About the organization:

Palma de Mallorca resort of Dragan European Foundation was opened in 1968, to promote the idea of a European Cultural Community. Ever since, it organized a series of contacts, campaigns and scientific meetings, as well as conferences on subjects regarding unification and common European policy.

Submission of papers:

Papers to be submitted to: Cybernetics Academy "Stefan Odobleja", Dragan European Foundation, 153 Calea Rahovei, Sector 5, Bucharest, Romania. Tel: (401) 335 37 19; Fax: (401) 336 07 79; E-mail: ioana.hoisescu.connex.ro

Please contact the organizers about the timetable for submission, acceptance and publication prior to the Congress opening.

First National Conference on Systems Science

Systems science to design a sustainable development

24-26 June 1998, Milan, Italy

Programme committee:

  • S. Bandini

  • G. Mauri (co-chairman)

  • G. Minati (chairman)

  • M. Olivetti Belardinelli

  • M.P. Penna

  • E. Pessa

  • G. Resconi

  • R. Serra

Organizing committee:

  • S. Bandini

  • G. Mauri

  • G. Minati

  • M. Magagnini

  • T. Vezzi

Congress topics:

Contributors are invited to submit papers focusing, if possible, on the topic of sustainable development and related to the use of the computer:

(1) Cybernetics, automata, robotics;(2) Education: the "introduction" of systems thinking;(3) Emergence and systemics in the disciplines: new applications;(4) Ethics and social systems;(5) General systems;(6) History and evolution of systemics;(7) Informatics and systemics;(8) Models and systems;(9) Multi-disciplinarity, inter-disciplinarity, trans-disciplinarity;(10) Neural nets, cellular automata;(11) Self-organization, chaos, complexity;(12) System dynamics;(13) Systemic approach to cognitive science;(14) Systemic approach to natural language;(15) Systemics and environmental science;(16) Systemics and management, organizational problems: socio-economic systems;(17) Systems science to design a sustainable development;(18) Theoretical problems in systemics.

Submissions: please contact the organizers immediately for details and timetable for submission.

Congress official language: Italian is the official language even if lectures in English are possible. Papers must be in English to allow for international diffusion by national systems societies.

Conference secretariat: Presso l'Università Degli Studi Di Milano, Dipartimento di Scienze della Informazione, Via Comelico, 39-20135 Milano.

Stefania Bandini: Tel: +39 (0)2 55006 269; Fax: +39 (0)2 55006 276; E-mail: bandini@dsi.unimi.it

Giancarlo Mauri: Tel: +39 (0)2 55006 201; Fax: +39 (0)2 55006 229/200; E-mail: mauri@dsi.unimi.it

The Cybernetics Society ­ 1998 Programme

31 March

"Towards Artificial Life"

Martin Smith, Head of Robotics, Department of Engineering, University of East London, UK.

28 April

"Mechatronic Solutions in Automated Screw Fastenings"

Dr Lakmal Seriviratne, Department of Mechanical Engineering, King's College, London, UK.

All the above meetings are held on Tuesdays in Room 11A on the dates shown at King's College, Strand, London WC2R 2LS. Starting at 6.15 p.m. for 6.30 p.m.

General enquiries:

Dr Brian Warburton,37A Oatlands Avenue,Weybridge,Surrey KT13 9SS.Tel: 01932 843602;E-mail: BrWarburo@oal.com

or to Mr A.G. Booth,42 Buckleigh Road,London SW16 5RZ.Tel/Fax: 0181 679 6968;E-mail: abooth@cix.compulink.co.uk

Smart Structures 98 ­ 1st International Conference

Computational Methods for Smart Structures and Materials

21-23 September 1998, Rome, Italy


  • National Technical University of Athens, Greece

  • Wessex Institute of Technology, UK


A smart structure is defined as one which has the ability to determine its present state, decide in a rational manner on a set of actions that would change its state to a more desirable state, and carry out these actions in a controlled manner and in a short period of time. Such structures can theoretically accommodate unpredictable environmental changes, meet exacting performance requirements over a wide range of operating conditions, and compensate for failure of minor system components. In addition, they may, eventually, be able to offer more efficient solutions for a wide range of applications, from both technical and financial points of view.

The conference is addressed to a wide range of engineering disciplines involved with the design of smart materials and structures, including civil, mechanical, aerospace, ocean and biomedical engineers, as well as the microstructures and acoustics communities. The exchange of knowledge, experiences and ideas within such a group will be an important step for progress in this highly multi-disciplinary field.

Contact: Conference Secretariat, Smart Structures 98, Wessex Institute of Technology, Ashurst Lodge, Ashurst, Southampton SO40 7AA, UK. Tel: 44 (0) 1703 293223; Fax: 44 (0) 1703 292853;E-mail: Paula@wessex.ac.uk

See also Website: http.//www.wessex/ac/uk

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