First International Congress on Mathematical Models and Methods Applied to Biology and Medicine


ISSN: 0368-492X

Article publication date: 1 February 1998



Vallée, R. (1998), "First International Congress on Mathematical Models and Methods Applied to Biology and Medicine", Kybernetes, Vol. 27 No. 1.



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 1998, MCB UP Limited

First International Congress on Mathematical Models and Methods Applied to Biology and Medicine

First International Congress on Mathematical Models and Methods Applied to Biology and Medicine

Alicante (Spain), 30 June-3 July 1997

This congress was organized by the Department of Mathematical Analysis and Applied Mathematics of the Universidad de Alicante and by MEDIMAT Laboratory of the Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris). The scientific committee was chaired by Professor Yves Cherruault (Université Pierre et Marie Curie) and involved two officers of the World Organisation of Systems and Cybernetics (Professors Brian H. Rudall and Robert Vallée). The chairman of the committee of organization was Professor Pedro Grimalt Ivars (Universidad de Alicante). The congress was held in honour of the late Professor George Adomian (1936-1996), see Kybernetes, Vol. 25 No. 9, pp. 45-50.

There were six plenary lectures and 44 communications. The participants came mainly from Spain and also from France, some came from the USA, Bulgaria and Russia. The official languages were Spanish, French and English.

The opening lecture, by Professor Y. Cherruault, devoted to "decompositional methods and global optimization techniques in life sciences", presented mainly the ALIENOR global method using space-filling curves (due to A. Guillez and Y. Cherruault) and the decompositional method of Adomian (for non-linear functional equations). The closing lectures, by Professor Torrent and Professor Zarco, has to do with the morphology of the heart, seen principally from a topological point of view. The other plenary lectures were given by Professor S.M. Zuev (parametrization in mathematical models of diseases), Professor H. Berliocchi (high dilutions) and Professor X. Avula (models of the cardiovascular system under altered gravity).

Many themes were developed: theoretical and compartmental models (S. Guellal on simulation and compartmental models for cyclic AMP and histamine, R. Alt on error propagation, G. Adomian presented by K. Abbaoui about Burger-Huxley equation, J.A. Montero on optimal control...); models in biology and medicine (A. Meulemans on biomathematics and nitric oxide, C. Reiss about gene expression, C. Morato Izquierdo and J. Seijas on a genetic algorithm, M. Lloret-Ciment et al. on a mathematical formulation of cellular division and fusion, ...); mathematical and informational methods (J. Moreno and L. Casasús about non-linear systems, K. Abbaoui on integral equations, H. Ammar about diffusion of nitroso-1-arginine, A. Mignot on the modelization of filters, V. Seng about diffusion equations, P. Grimalt Ivars and M.J. Pujol on decomposition methods, ...); fractals and space-filling curves (E. Pereda et al. about correlation and fractal dimension, J.A. Bolea and E. Fernándes on fractals and diabetes, F. Torrens et al. on fractal dimension of peptids and proteins, G. Mora on optimization and curves dense in a domain); medical images and neural nets (S. Bezzera on visual perception and memorization, R. Vallée about perception and action, A. Caron and J-C. Creput on a neural model for indexation of medical images, A. Ruiz Perea et al. on surface reconstruction...).

The welcome cocktail party took place in the old Castello de Santa Barbara on the top of a hill offering a view on Alicante and the Mediterranean sea.

Robert Vallée

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