Blake, M. (2004), "EEBO and the text creation partnership", The Electronic Library, Vol. 22 No. 6.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2004, Emerald Group Publishing Limited
EEBO and the text creation partnership
EEBO and the text creation partnership
JISC (the Joint Information Systems Committee) is collaborating with The University of Michigan, the University of Oxford, the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) and ProQuest Information and Learning to create searchable text editions for a significant portion of the Early English books published between 1473 and 1700. The Early English Books Online (EEBO) texts have been available online for some time. However, now a portion of these key texts can be electronically searched, greatly economizing on research efficiency and widening the potential scope for research.
Users may already be familiar with the Digital images for nearly 125,000 works available in EEBO. The Universities of Michigan and Oxford, with the support of the international library community, are creating accurately keyboarded and tagged editions of a significant portion of this collection. The Early English Books Online Text Creation Partnership has proposed to create 25,000 searchable and readable editions that link immediately to the corresponding digitized images of the original text. In combination, the text and digitized images of these works provide a powerful research and instructional tool of enduring value.
To date the Text Creation Partnership has created 6,000 fully searchable text files, which are now fully integrated and searchable within EEBO and are freely available to subscribers of EEBO.