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Out or Along

Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology

ISSN: 0002-2667

Article publication date: 1 July 1952



AVERY pretty argument has been developing over the question whether we are right in settling down almost exclusively to the development of axial compressor turbine engines in place of the centrifugal type which was chosen by SIR FRANK WHITTLE for his original ‘classic’ conception—as it is appropriately described by PROFESSOR BAXTER in the article on the subject which he contributes to this issue. The fact that SIR FRANK, from statements that have appeared in the Press, remains the unrepentant protagonist of the type which he first produced obviously must carry considerable weight. It would have been interesting if he could have been persuaded to give the reasons for his fidelity to the centrifugal compressor and continued belief in its ultimate future. He has not, however, so far as we know, done so, and his preference has been couched merely in the terms of an ex cathedra expression of faith.


(1952), "Out or Along", Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, Vol. 24 No. 7, pp. 185-185.




Copyright © 1952, MCB UP Limited

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