FOR the fourth time we are enabled, through his courtesy, to bring to the notice of our readers a paper read in America by Mr. F. R. SHANLEY of the LOCKHEED AIRCRAFT CORPORATION. On this occasion it is to the AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS that we are also indebted for permission to reproduce it in AIRCRAFT ENGINEERING. Owing to the incidence of the occasion on which it was presented, the present paper was written for the information of those engaged in general mechanical engineering on the problems peculiar to aeroplane structures, but it is equally interesting and valuable to the aeronautical engineer, who will undoubtedly find much food for reflection in it. We have previously called attention to the essentially practical qualities which the author brings to bear on the research matters that engage his attention and to his generosity, and that of his firm, in making these available to other workers. This is in accordance with an admirable American tradition. Would that it were equally prevalent in England; but unfortunately a less open‐hearted view of such publication has always been taken in this country than across the Atlantic and we have as yet noticed no signs of a changes of attitude.
(1943), "USEFUL LINES FOR STRUCTURAL RESEARCH", Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, Vol. 15 No. 7, pp. 187-187.
Copyright © 1943, MCB UP Limited