Aircraft from the United States: The Legal Difficulties in the Way of Supply to a Belligerent Foreign Power
THF sending of a British mission, under Air Commodore A. T. Harris's leadership, to the United States, for the purpose of exploring the possibilities of the supply of aircraft for the Royal Air Force from that source, is an indication that we are contemplating the making of purchases in America. The fact, announced by Sir Kingsley Wood in the House of Commons on May 25th, 1938, that two leading representatives of the aircraft industry in the United States are coming to this country to resume the discussions opened by the mission, shows that concrete business is in question.
Spaight, J.M. (1938), "Aircraft from the United States: The Legal Difficulties in the Way of Supply to a Belligerent Foreign Power", Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, Vol. 10 No. 6, pp. 182-191.
Copyright © 1938, MCB UP Limited