Research Reports and Memoranda
M Alayrac gives here the further results of his investigations of irrotational three dimensional flow of which he has already written in Publications Scientifiques Nos. 3 and 13 (cf. abstracts in AIRCRAFT ENGINEERING, Vol. IV, Nos. 38 and 42, March and December, 1932). The examples already dealt with show that the flow about a finite surface even with high aspect ratio differs very widely from uniplanar flow. The final purpose of the work is not, however, to find the sole flow, with given velocity at infinity and finite velocity at every point, for this flow being non‐productive of resistance is of no interest from the point of view of aero‐dynamics, but it is defined as the search for flows with points, lines or surfaces of infinite velocity which have no sense in perfect fluids but which are acceptable in viscous fluids, the regions of infinite velocity being replaced by regions of turbulence.
(1936), "Research Reports and Memoranda", Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, Vol. 8 No. 6, pp. 172-173.
Copyright © 1936, MCB UP Limited