The Relativity of Facts
Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology
ISSN: 0002-2667
Article publication date: 1 February 1930
A PROMINENT personality in the British aircraft industry recently, we are told, referred to the “unimpeachable accuracy” of this paper. This is, of course, a great compliment, particularly in view of the source from which it came, and we only wish it were deserved. Unfortunately, it is not. We would be only too happy to be able to write, following the precedent of a popular English weekly, “If you see it in AIRCRAFT ENGINEERING it is so.” But the blunt truth is that, through no fault of our own, it is not possible for us to guarantee the accuracy of everything that appears in our pages. This may possibly be a disappointment to some of the less sophisticated of our readers, but it will come as no surprise to those with the most inside knowledge of the aeronautical world. In fact, if we may so put it without offence, we should have supposed that the individual who was kind enough to make the remark quoted would himself have known that it was not—that, indeed, it could not be—true.
(1930), "The Relativity of Facts", Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, Vol. 2 No. 2, pp. 27-28.
Copyright © 1930, MCB UP Limited