Catalogues and other Printed Aids: A Symposium by County Librarians
SINCE the War there has been a tendency in some quarters to regard the provision of printed lists of any kind in libraries as being unnecessary. This theory has been sponsored largely by those in charge of open access systems. The plan of holding a symposium on the matter was suggested to us, and in this, the first part of the symposium, some well‐known county librarians make confession of faith. It will be gathered that, so far as county librarianship is concerned, guides of the kind are regarded as essential. In our next number the views of town librarians will be presented.
(1936), "Catalogues and other Printed Aids: A Symposium by County Librarians", Library Review, Vol. 5 No. 8, pp. 354-358.
Copyright © 1936, MCB UP Limited