The Library World Volume 28 Issue 1
The announcement of their Annual Conference which has been made by the Library Association gives promise of a meeting of quite unusual interest and value. The programme has been shorn of unnecessary redundancies and every subject upon it should lead to fruitful discussion. The only point in connection with the programme which appears to demand consideration is whether in all cases the papers should be read. There are several objections. Such papers occupy a lot of time, are not sufficiently dramatic to be interesting in themselves, however valuable the subject matter may be, and too often it must be confessed they are read in a manner which induces somnolence rather than energetic discussion. It is the exchange of opinion across the floor that matters at a Conference, We hope, therefore, that in certain cases the method of taking papers as read and requiring their writers to speak to them briefly may be followed.
(1925), "The Library World Volume 28 Issue 1", New Library World, Vol. 28 No. 1, pp. 1-24.
Copyright © 1925, MCB UP Limited