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The Library World Volume 1 Issue 4

New Library World

ISSN: 0307-4803

Article publication date: 1 April 1898



THE practical outcome of the Twenty‐first Annual Meeting of the Library Association will not be a revolution either in library methods or policy. None of the papers were out of the common run, and the discussions were even more futile than usual. The only really suggestive contribution to the Conference was Mr. Frank Campbell's Analysis of Papers read at past Meetings, and his programme of work for the future. If the Council will act upon Mr. Campbell's advice and prepare a list of papers on systematic lines, treating of every aspect of library work and the progress of particular departments, there will be some hope for a fruitful and influential meeting next year. But the haphazard method adopted in past years of waiting for papers to be offered, will never do at all, and the sooner the Council recognizes this the better for the Association. We take it that one of the first duties of a Council is to promote or create lines of work and not to sit idle in the hope that outside suggestions alone will formulate programmes and initiate practical measures for the general benefit. We hope to see a vigorous effort made by the Council next year to requisition papers by competent men on all the leading subjects connected with library work, not only for the Annual Meeting, but for London and district meetings also. The social side of the Southport meeting was everything that could be desired, and we hope to see the “Souvenir,” which is to be issued from this office in a short time, recognized and widely taken up as a permanent record of what has become a very pleasant annual gathering of Librarians. Nothing of this sort has ever been done before, and a work which will be an album of portraits, and pictures of places visited, together with a sufficient descriptive text, should be well received by Librarians generally. It has always been a matter for regret that no combined historical and pictorial record was made of former meetings of this kind. If the present venture is sufficiently supported, we understand it is the publishers' intention to issue an annual illustrated record on similar lines.


(1898), "The Library World Volume 1 Issue 4", New Library World, Vol. 1 No. 4, pp. 51-68.




Copyright © 1898, MCB UP Limited

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