Predictions, Prophecies and Economics: The Ontological Foundation of the Discipline of Economics
Introduction Economics has been defined and re‐defined several times in the past, and even within the dominant scientific orientation of the discipline, there are currently a number of alternative definitions. One of the definitions, which has been gaining increasing popularity in recent years is “economics as the science of choices.” This definition focuses on the fundamental objective of the discipline as currently formulated, namely, the optimum allocation of resources through appropriate choices, or in other words, the development of economic engineering based on science. We will use the concept of choices as the convenient point of entry into the exploration of the nature of economic reality, or its ontology.
Pluta, L. (1991), "Predictions, Prophecies and Economics: The Ontological Foundation of the Discipline of Economics", Humanomics, Vol. 7 No. 1, pp. 19-48.
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