A Six‐Compartment Linear Mammillary Model
Mathematical models have been constructed to aid in the understanding of the pharmacokinetics of different drugs. Gives a mathematical analysis of the courses over time of absorption, distribution and elimination of a drug in a six‐compartment linear mammillary model. A mammillary model is a compartmental model in which a central compartment (the udder of a cow) is related to all other compartments, but there are no relations between the latter. This linear mammillary model can be used to study the kinetics of protein metabolism in the organism. An optimization method (ALIENOR) is used which reduces the unknown parameters involved to a single variable. Thus, the problem requires the global minimum of a function of a single variable. The results obtained with the method described are compared with those obtained with the generalized least‐squares method.
Cherruault, Y. and Sarin, V.B. (1992), "A Six‐Compartment Linear Mammillary Model", Kybernetes, Vol. 21 No. 1, pp. 23-29. https://doi.org/10.1108/eb005914
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