All hazards

Disaster Prevention and Management

ISSN: 0965-3562

Article publication date: 1 December 2002



(2002), "All hazards", Disaster Prevention and Management, Vol. 11 No. 5.



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2002, MCB UP Limited

All hazards

Below are summaries of some of the recent, most useful publications on hazards and disasters received by the Natural Hazards Center. All items contain information on how to obtain a copy. A complete bibliography of publications received from 1995 to the present can be found on Web site:

All hazards

The Socio-economic Benefits of Earth Science and Applications Research: Reducing the Risks and Costs of Natural Disasters in the United States

Ray A. Williamson, Henry R. Hertzfeld, Joseph Cordes and John M. Logsdon200124 pp.Free

The report can be found on the Web site of the Space Policy Institute of the Elliott School of International Affairs, The George Washington University:

Within the USA and its territories between 1980 and 2001, major weather and climate disasters resulted in more than $248 billion in losses and killed 690 people. In that same period, earthquakes and volcanoes cost the USA an additional $541 billion and 193 lives. The federal investment in earth science research from space, funded primarily through the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), has led to an improved understanding of weather, climate, earth movement, and other terrestrial phenomena. The authors of this report examine losses caused by Hurricane Floyd in 1999, the western wildfires in 2000, flooding in the northern plains in 1997, and the Northridge earthquake in 1994. They also discuss the economic value of better information and issues related to obtaining it. Tables present data that compare the losses for various types of disasters.

Establishing a Mass Casualty Management System200158 pp.$12.00

Order code: OP 139, English; OT 139, Spanish. This document can be downloaded for free from:

Humanitarian Supply Management and Logistics in the Health Sector2001176 pp.$20.00

Order code: OP 145, English; OT 145, Spanish. Copies of this publication are also available free on-line from:

Printed copies of both documents may be obtained by contacting the Pan American Health Organizations (PAHO); Tel: (800) 472-3046; E-mail:

The Ten Most Wanted: A Search for Solutions to Reduce Recurring Losses from Natural Hazards200229 pp.Free

The full report can be downloaded as a PDF file from the IBHS Web site:

The Ten Most Wanted, published by the Institute for Business and Home Safety (IBHS), outlines ten of the most important solutions to decrease recurring losses from natural disasters. The 29-page report is the result of a June 2000 workshop convened by the American Society of Civil Engineers and IBHS. It addresses why losses from natural disasters are increasing and offers recommendations and priorities for future research and development of cost-effective solutions to reduce these losses. Participants identified research needed regarding both residential and commercial buildings and prioritized mitigation methods that would offer the biggest loss reductions in the shortest time for damage from hurricanes/windstorms, earthquakes, floods, hail, wildfire, and winter storms. They concurred on incorporating holistic measures that integrate research, development, and education with professional practices and public policies.

Vital Signs: Anticipating, Preventing and Surviving a Crisis in a Nonprofit

Melanie L. Herman and Barbara B. Oliver200194 pp.$20.00

Copies can be obtained by contacting the Nonprofit Risk Management Center, 1001 Connecticut Avenue, N.W., Washington, DC 20036; Tel: (202) 785-3891; Fax: (202) 296-0349; E-mail:; WWW:

Rapid Environmental Impact Assessment: A Framework for Best Practices in Emergency Response

Charles Kelly200122 pp.Free

The report of the field test and lessons learned is online at the Benfield Greig Hazard Research Centre's Web site: (go to the "Disaster Studies" page and click on "projects").

It's a Disaster!... And What Are You Gonna Do about It?: A Basic First Aid and Disaster Preparedness Manual from Fedhealth (2nd edition)

Bill and Janet Liebsch2001212 pp.$19.95, plus $2.75 shipping

Copies can be obtained from Fedhealth, (888) 999-4325; This is a manual for emergencies ranging from sunburn to building explosions. It focuses on how to prepare for any situation through mitigation and planning and what to do if you are a victim of a disaster. It includes basic first aid and CPR tips as well as ideas on fireproofing a home.

2002 Environmental Sustainability Index2002301 pp.Free

Pilot Environmental Performance Index200231 pp.Free

Copies of both documents can be downloaded from Columbia University's Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN) Web site:

The Environmental Sustainability Index consists of 20 indicators for 142 countries that track the relative success of five components: environmental systems, the reduction of environmental stresses, the reduction of human vulnerability, social and institutional capacities, and global stewardship. It evaluates current conditions, pressures on those conditions, human impacts, and social responses to those conditions in order to gauge the long-term prospects for sustainability. The first report presents data enabling cross-national comparisons, identifies areas in which national performance is above or below expectations, outlines priority policy areas within countries and regions, tracks environmental trends, provides quantitative assessment of the success of policies and programs, and provides data to support investigations into interactions between environmental and economic performances and the factors that influence environmental sustainability.

The Pilot Environmental Performance Index measures data in four main areas: air quality, water quality, greenhouse gas emissions, and land protection at a national scale.

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