Institute of Circuit Technology

Circuit World

ISSN: 0305-6120

Article publication date: 1 December 2004




(2004), "Institute of Circuit Technology", Circuit World, Vol. 30 No. 4.



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2004, Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Institute of Circuit Technology

Institute of Circuit Technology

Keywords: ICT

An update on the ICT from its new Chairman, Andrew Hall

The Institute of Circuit Technology is celebrating its 30 th year in 2004 and I am very pleased and honoured to have been voted by the ICT Council to become the Institute's new Chairman.

First of all a little about me, and my time in our industry, which started as an engineer in PCB manufacturing some 28 years back!

I have been Managing Director of Circast Electronics, based in Leamington Spa, England since 1994 and prior to that was the Managing Director and founder of Cirtron Printed Circuit Services. During my time at Cirtron I was an original member of Circuit Equipment and Materials Association (CEMA) and was Chairman-elect until I switched back from being a "supplier" at Cirtron to a manufacturer and hence a member of the PCIF.

As an active PCIF member, I was the Chair of the PCB Fabricator sessions during the mid-1990s when PCB manufacturing was very buoyant and sessions were attended by up to 50 company representatives. Since then, of course, the industry has faced several well-documented challenges that have had the effect of reshaping and reducing the size of the UK PCB Industry.

The ICT is valued greatly by its membership (the last survey confirmed this) and has a number of valuable and beneficial offerings related to the technology of interconnections and circuit fabrication. At the recent ICT Council meeting we all agreed that there were, however, opportunities to increase awareness of the ICT and to expand its range of services and benefits to members. An immediate and key objective is to implement some fresh approaches and to give greater value to members.

One objective is the development and launch of a new Web site and Web-based forum for ICT members. Maintaining and improving liaison between the ICT Council and membership, Intellect, the journal Circuit World and other relevant bodies is seen as a priority.

Intellect will continue to organise regular evening technical seminars, supported by the ICT which will enhance the promotion of these events and encourage attendance by members and guests. This year's annual symposium on 9 June also saw the introduction of an ICT "Lifetime Achievement Award" as well as the current David Kennedy Memorial Award.

The ICT is also the body which recognises achievement in the field of interconnection with a grading structure. The use of this system of recognition for services to our Industry will be further developed and encouraged.

To assist with the development of the ICT's services a part time person is being recruited with the necessary skills and PCB industry experience to actively implement the future strategy and promote the services of the organisation.

Finally, may I take this opportunity to thank Chris Wall of Electra for his time and efforts as Chairman on behalf of all members and I thank him for his pledge of future support. I would be pleased to hear any comments or suggestions from ICT members and non-members relating to this article or the ICT in general. (E-mail:

For more information on the ICT and its services please visit the Intellect Web site:

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