Krempel engineers talks on 'Flexible base materials'

Circuit World

ISSN: 0305-6120

Article publication date: 1 June 2000




(2000), "Krempel engineers talks on 'Flexible base materials'", Circuit World, Vol. 26 No. 2.



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2000, MCB UP Limited

Krempel engineers talks on 'Flexible base materials'

Keywords Krempel, Base materials

Some 60 specialists in electronics accepted the invitation from August Krempel Soehne, Vaihingen, to take part in the engineering talks on "Flexible base materials" held on 8 October in Karlsruhe (Plate 1). The common goal was to further relationships between manufacturers and users of printed circuits on the one hand, and to intensify the contacts with Krempel as a producer of flexible base materials. Optimum solutions can only be realised when the requests and requirements of the user and the capabilities of the producer are known.

Plate 1 Krempel engineering talks on "Flexible base materials": a European gathering of expertise within the branch of electronics manufacturing

Krempel also engaged prominent specialist consultants to complement its own expertise in order to cover all aspects of this very complex topic. Rudolf Wiechmann, Technical Manager at Gould Electronics GmbH, Eichstetten, presented a paper on "Manufacture of copper foil, treatment and passivation layers". A presentation was also given by Dr Erwin Born from the Adhesives and Polymers Department at the Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Applied Material Research (IFAM) in Bremen on "Adhesives for flexible base materials". Dr Ulrich Schmidt, Managing Director at August Krempel Soehne, described the "Krempel manufacturing processes for flexible base materials", and Karlheinz Brust, Division Technical Manager, provided an overview of the product range and possible applications.

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