(2008), "Around the clock automated stores vending", Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, Vol. 80 No. 2.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2008, Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Around the clock automated stores vending
Article Type: Equipment From: Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology: An International Journal, Volume 80, Issue 2.
The time and effort spent in managing the supply of cutting tools, gauges and other ancillary items required for setting and maintaining production around the likes of machine tools and assembly processes could be reduced by up to 20 per cent following the development of eboy the “clever” too! supply system developed by LMT that is able to provide a fully integrated vending and stock control system.
Eboy, available from LMT (UK) of Coventry is a modular and totally secure vending system comprising a host PC and screen utilising LMT developed software and a combination of two types of vending units. One unit is for smaller tools with individual pockets that are accessed through a flap in the front while a drawer-based unit enables larger items such as gauges, fixtures or milling cutters to be stored and dispensed.
By collating all items in a controlled and central compact storage area valuable time is saved when kit marshalling tooling for new set ups and local storage in setters' cabinets, tool boxes or around the machine or production process is prevented. Expensive or delicate items are stored properly preventing damage and all items are accountable to the person who is requesting the withdrawal.
Such is the level of thinking and security awareness that has been incorporated into the development of the system that as any drawer is pulled out, access is restricted to the particular item requested. Items can also be returned to the vending system and logged as: unused, used requiring inspection or refurbishment, or scrap.
Each eboy vending unit can accommodate up to 1,260 different items with the central pc able to manage up to 32 separate cabinets installed remotely around a factory area. In total, this can equate to 40,320 separate items. And, with the logging system, report generation can be tailored to show job, customer, frequency of use, minimum and maximum stockholding, current and historical status and consumption, and profit centre reporting.
The system is not restricted to LMT specific tooling items and the vending machines can be purchased, leased or rented. Depending on the volume of tooling, LMT (UK) of Coventry will also provide a stocking service through its own product or distributor network and provide a “pay by use” service. This has the advantage of reducing stocking levels for the customer and capital tied up with, in particular, slow moving items and spares. The LMT (UK) service can also include a tool evaluation, inspection and reconditioning service.
Details available from: LMT (UK) Limited, Tel:+44 (0) 24 7636 9770, Fax:+44 (0) 24 7636 9771, web site: