MyTravel selects FlightVu Cockpit door surveillance system

Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology

ISSN: 0002-2667

Article publication date: 1 August 2003




(2003), "MyTravel selects FlightVu Cockpit door surveillance system", Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, Vol. 75 No. 4.



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2003, MCB UP Limited

MyTravel selects FlightVu Cockpit door surveillance system

MyTravel selects FlightVu Cockpit door surveillance system

Keywords: Aircraft industry, Security, Surveillance

MyTravel Airways (UK), one of the UK's largest charter airlines, has selected the FlightVu CabinVu video surveillance systems for cockpit door security across its fleet of B-757s, B-767s and DC-10s.

AD Aerospace of Manchester UK, and AEI of Orlando USA are providing the video security system and installation design, respectively. The system enables pilots to visually monitor the area outside the flight deck door without leaving their seats, identify people requesting entry and to take appropriate action if any incidents occur.

Increased security measures have been introduced within the airline industry in response to the heightened awareness of security risks over the last few years. The introduction of intrusion resistant cockpit doors has made the aircraft safer, but the pilots were isolated leaving them unaware of what is happening in the cabin. This is where the closed circuit television (CCTV) comes into use.

Cabin Vu consists of three CCTV cameras linked to a LCD monitor or monitors mounted in the cockpit pedestal in clear view of both pilot positions. The system also includes infra red illuminators that allow the area to be viewed even with the cabin lights extinguished.

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