Guy Neyret makes the difference with vision

Assembly Automation

ISSN: 0144-5154

Article publication date: 24 April 2007



(2007), "Guy Neyret makes the difference with vision", Assembly Automation, Vol. 27 No. 2.



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2007, Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Guy Neyret makes the difference with vision

Guy Neyret makes the difference with vision

Founded in 1987, Guy Neyret is a machine builder of high speed inspection and assembly machines based in Lyon, France. The company produces machines capable of 100 percent quality control thanks to the use of machine vision. This gives them a competitive edge when facing current industrial economic challenges and retaining a sizeable home and export market.

The challenge: quality and speed

The majority of Guy Neyret's clients come from the electrical sector as well as automotive, packaging, food and beverage and consumer products. These sectors are obliged to be increasingly demanding in terms of quality control and inspection of very small pieces at a very high processing speed.

The need for a zero fault quality control raises already high expectations from Guy Neyret's clients. Thus, Guy Neyret's high speed machines must not only reach even higher speeds but also a reliable and detailed quality inspection.

The solution: machine vision

Typical production speeds can range from 3,000 pieces per hour in the automotive sector to 60,000 pieces per hour for some packaging products. At these kind of speeds there is no possibility for manual contact with the pieces in question and this is part of the reason that the use of industrial vision is the only solution. This lack of contact also gives the added bonus of avoiding the chance of any more damage during inspection.

Guy Neyret maintains a vision workshop on site in order to test potential applications for client thus providing proven solutions to client's unique problems. For a company who counts among its original objectives the modernization and improvement of factories this is a critical advantage.

The benefits

  • Zero fault. Vision permits complete control at high speeds.

  • Zero contact inspection. Vision permits a lack of contact which avoids any unnecessary damage which could happen during manual control.

  • 100 percent inspection. Each piece is individually inspected and results can be recorded avoiding any doubt.

Vision systems from Cognex

The decision to use systems from the Cognex range such as the In-Sight family of cameras or VisionPro software came from the robustness of the cameras, the performance of their programs and their reliability in different applications. Cognex vision solutions offer the opportunity to inspect with no direct contact which is a critical constraint when dealing with high speed machines (Figure 5).

Figure 5 Guy Neyret uses Cognex vision systems to achieve 100 percent quality control

By taking advantage of all of the possibilities offered by Cognex vision products Guy Neyret ensures that as a company they are capable of offering their clients both functional and surface control to very high standards.

Guy Neyret has been using Cognex vision systems for about eight years and since then Cognex has consistently provided them with the appropriate solution. Vision is currently something that is offered as a standard function on all machines proposed to the client. Increasingly machines are fitted with vision inspection points using simple and easy to use vision sensors. Current trends for Guy Neyret show that many of their machines are purchased with up to five cameras already installed.

The differentiator

Equipping their machines with vision systems allows Guy Neyret to be, and remain, competitive. The company sees the value in the use of high technology as a forward-thinking means to consolidate and grow their position as a leader in their field.

Their recent acquisition of the company Lagniel completes the Guy Neyret offer by allowing them to produce even faster machines, which in turn makes the use of vision even more crucial.

By integrating vision, Guy Neyret can offer high performing machines that are flexible and allow the company to position itself on a competitive market as a machine builder who responds and caters to the needs of its clients.

Guy Neyret can provide their clients with the double skill set of both mechanical expertise and the added value of vision solutions thanks to their collaboration with Cognex.

Cognex Corporation designs, develops, manufactures, and markets machine vision systems, or computers that can “see.” Cognex is the world's leader in the machine vision industry, having shipped more than 300,000 machine vision systems, representing over $1.9 billion in cumulative revenue, since the company's founding in 1981. Cognex's Modular Vision Systems Division, headquartered in Natick, Massachusetts, specializes in machine vision systems that are used for automating the manufacture of a wide range of discrete items and for assuring their quality. Cognex's Surface Inspection Systems Division, headquartered in Alameda, California, specializes in machine vision systems that are used for inspecting the surfaces of products manufactured in a continuous fashion, such as metals, papers, and plastics. In addition to its corporate headquarters in Natick, Massachusetts, Cognex also has regional offices and distributors located throughout North America, Japan, Europe, and Southeast Asia. Visit Cognex on-line at:

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