(2000), "Internet page", Assembly Automation, Vol. 20 No. 2.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2000, MCB UP Limited
Internet page Technologies, LLC
Keywords: Joining, Research, Welding
Joining Technologies, LLC is both a Job Shop and a Research and Development Laboratory. They offer a range of materials joining services, from weld process selection to production quantities. Joining Technologies can assist with weld joint development, and serve as a high-precision joining laboratory for customers' current and future applications. Joining Technologies also offers courses in electron beam welding to produce highly-skilled operators for those companies with in-house capabilities.
The Web site contains a reference centre of technical information sponsored and authored by their technical staff. Information is available on: electron beam welding, plasma arc welding, laser beam characteristics, welding sensor devices, weld joint design, laser beam welding, gas tungsten arc welding, friction welding, primary fusion welding process and weld defects.
An on-line quotation facility is also available and links can be found to: Edison Welding Institute, the Jobshop Network, American Welding Society and Advanced Vacuum Resources, Inc. This is a well presented and informative site. Adhesives
Keywords: Adhesives, Distributors
L&D Adhesives has 25 years' experience and is an adhesives distributor which provides adhesive solutions to manufacturers. They carry adhesives for vacuum forming, wood-working, metal fabrications, packaging, labelling and all types of industrial manufacturing and assembly applications. L&D Adhesives also deals with: water based adhesives, solvent based adhesives, 100 percent solid hot melt adhesives, cyano-acrylate adhesives (Super Glue), anaerobic, moisture curing adhesives, UV curing adhesives, urethane adhesives, aerosol adhesives, acrylic, latex, silicone, caulks and sealants, one-part and two-part epoxies, aerosol lubricants and tapes and protective films., Inc.
Keywords: Joining, Systems design
AristoTechnics create patented and proprietary technologies for mechanical joining methods and modular systems. They offer new ideas, faster development, and reduced time-to-market for products and are experienced in developing new processes and products, implementing new technologies and systems design. Applications for their technologies include: transportation engineering, machine tools, automation systems, consumer products, architecture, and furniture design. AristoTechnics have developed several innovative technologies for mechanical joining methods and modular systems, all of which are available for licensing. These are AristoFlex, flexible torsion-less bolts, AristoLock, quick-operating couplings and AristoWood, smart dimensional profiles. - the product development company
Keywords: Optics, Product development, Joining
Diverse has been designing optical and instrumentation systems since 1983. They are specialists in optics, magnetics, and joining technologies and are experienced instrument and instrumentation designers. The company offers full technical and service support for all of the products in its portfolio. Diverse provides design services and a range of joining and welding technologies. These include: micro joining, friction bonding, laser welding, magnetically impelled welding, electron beam welding, arc welding processes, adhesive bonding, acoustic bonding and joining plastics to aluminium.
This is a well presented Web site which contains plenty of information and is available in English, French, German, Italian and Spanish. Welding Institute (TWI) - world centre for materials joining
Keywords: Welding, TWI
TWI is one of Europe's largest independent contract research and technology organisations, employing over 400 staff. They provide services to 2,500 companies and individuals in over 50 countries. It encompasses a professional engineering institution, an international training and certification activity, a large consultancy and a research and design establishment dedicated to transferring technology to industry.
This is a nice looking site with plenty of information on a range of topics, including: membership for individuals and companies, training and certification, TWI North, information services, consultancy, research & development, technical achievements, TWI services for industry, TWI conferences, seminars, workshops, etc., their annual report and contact details for TWI agents and affiliates world-wide. - Centre for Joining Technologies (ZfS)
Keywords: Joining, Research
The Centre for Joining Technologies acts as an interdisciplinary information hub for problems arising in the field of joining technologies. This forum offers information on surface analysis, strength investigations, composite materials, wood bonding, gluing, soldering and welding. The test and research work of the various technical areas provides the centre with an overview of the current state of knowledge and new trends. This knowledge is transferred to internal and external experts in lectures and seminars. of Naval Research
Keywords: USA, Research
The Office of Naval Research (ONR) co-ordinates, executes, and promotes the science and technology programs of the United States Navy and Marine Corps through universities, government laboratories, and non-profit and for-profit organisations. It provides technical advice to the Chief of Naval Operations and the Secretary of the Navy, works with industry to improve technology manufacturing processes while reducing fleet costs, and fosters continuing academic interest in naval relevant science from the high school through to post-doctoral levels. The Navy Joining Center (NJC) provides a national resource for the development of materials joining expertise and the deployment of emerging manufacturing technologies to Navy contractors, subcontractors, and other activities. The NJC team works with the Navy to determine and evaluate joining technology requirements and conduct technology development and deployment projects. Typical project thrusts include metallic, non-metallic, ceramic, and composite materials.
The Office of Naval Research Web site is well structured and very informative. It has links to information on a range of research topics. Industrial Products
Keywords: Adhesives, Distributors
The Versatile Web site is both interesting and colourful. Versatile, a subsidiary of Static Specialists Company, Inc., is a woman-owned, full service distributor of adhesives, sealants, anaerobics, cyano-acrylates, silicones, solder, epoxies, electronic hardware, paints, lubricants, chemicals, and other products for commercial, military, and industrial use.
Hot sites Welding Institute
Keywords: Welding, Joining
EWI is the largest welding and materials joining engineering consulting company in North America and provides practical welding and joining solutions to 400 member companies world-wide. This is achieved through technical assistance, contract research, consultancy and training. EWI Joining Technology areas include: arc welding and automation, non-destructive evaluation, plastics and composites, micro-joining, brazing and soldering, engineering and materials, laser processing and resistance and solid-state welding.
The site contains information on all of the services offered and currently has a book sale, offering the 1998, 1997 and 1996 ICAWT Proceedings and many other welding-related books.
Keywords: Sealing, Adhesives
Initially called The American Sealants Company and with only one product, the Loctite Corporation was founded in 1953. Loctite currently manufactures and markets a broad range of high-technology sealants, adhesives and coatings in nearly every country around the world. Computers, automobiles, aeroplanes, vacuum cleaners, speakers, syringes, cosmetics, and compact disk players are just a small number of items which are manufactured with Loctite products. The company often develops the complex equipment used for application and assembly as well.
This site is well worth a visit.
Jonathan Rigelsford