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An overview of biomolecules, immobilization methods and support materials of biosensors

Melis Asal (Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Dokuz Eylül University, Izmir International Biomedicine and Genome Institute, İzmir, Turkey)
Özlem Özen (Department of Pharmacology, Ege University Institute of Health Sciences, İzmir, Turkey)
Mert Şahinler (Department of Bioengineering, Ege University Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, İzmir, Turkey)
Hasan Tahsin Baysal (Department of Bioengineering, Manisa Celal Bayar University Faculty of Engineering, Manisa, Turkey)
İlker Polatoğlu (Department of Bioengineering, Manisa Celal Bayar University Faculty of Engineering, Manisa, Turkey)

Sensor Review

ISSN: 0260-2288

Article publication date: 8 October 2018

Issue publication date: 17 May 2019




Traditional analytical methods are often time-consuming and require bulky instruments, making their widespread implementation challenging. This paper aims to represent the principal concepts of biosensors as an introduction of this technology to readers and offers a comprehensive understanding of its functions.


The authors provide descriptions of the components, characteristics and advantages of biosensors along with the immobilization methods, followed by a brief discussion.


A biosensor is an analytical device comprising a specific biomolecule and a transducer in conjunction with an output system. The biomolecule recognizes a specific target which leads to a change in physicochemical properties of a system. This biorecognition phenomenon is later converted into a detectable signal by the transducer. Biosensors can essentially serve as rapid and cost-effective devices with excellent sensitivity and specificity for critical purposes in innumerable fields, ranging from scientific research to day-to-day applications.


Here, the authors explain and discuss the approaches and challenges with the aim of leading to an interest in biosensor development and improving their applications.



The author(s) of this article have not made their research dataset openly available. Any enquiries regarding the dataset can be directed to the corresponding author.


Asal, M., Özen, Ö., Şahinler, M., Baysal, H.T. and Polatoğlu, İ. (2019), "An overview of biomolecules, immobilization methods and support materials of biosensors", Sensor Review, Vol. 39 No. 3, pp. 377-386.



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