
Emotions and Organizational Governance

ISBN: 978-1-78560-998-5, eISBN: 978-1-78560-997-8

ISSN: 1746-9791

Publication date: 7 June 2016


(2016), "Dedication", Emotions and Organizational Governance (Research on Emotion in Organizations, Vol. 12), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Leeds, p. v.



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2016 Emerald Group Publishing Limited

This volume is dedicated to two of our authors, who sadly died before this volume went to press: Dr. Thomas Lechat (author of Chapter 3), who passed away on June 22, 2015 and Dr. James P. Liautaud (author of Chapter 4), who passed away on October 23, 2015.


To my dear friends, my family so true. Both present and beyond this world, you remain my models of unselfish untiring courage and love. It is impossible to express all that you are for me. Dedicating this book is far too small a thing to do, but it is my gesture. Here’s to you my dear ones. Especially, my Günter, Jameson, Jasmin, Maggie, Sharron, Brome, Shirley, and Pat.


Emotions and Organizational Governance
Research on Emotion in Organizations
Emotions and Organizational Governance
Copyright Page
List of Contributors
About the Editors
Section I: Governance at the Micro-Level: How Supervisors Treat their Subordinates
Abusive Supervision, Employee Well-Being and Ill-Being: The Moderating Role of Core Self-Evaluations
The Role of Attachment and Leader Caregiving in Followers’ Negative Affective Experiences
Exploring Negative Affect in Entrepreneurial Activity: Effects on Emotional Stress and Contribution to Burnout
Will an Increase in the Emotional and Social Competence (ESC) Scores of Leaders Directly Correlate to Higher Engagement of Their Direct Reports?
Supervisor Empathy Moderates the Negative Effects of Customer Injustice
Section II: Governance at the Macro-Level: Change and Sustainability
The InBoard Emotional Contagion Model
Unraveling the Complexities of Empathy Research: A Multi-Level Model of Empathy in Organizations
Emotional Thresholds and Change Agent Success in Corporate Sustainability
Social Desirability and Cynicism: Bridging the Attitude-Behavior Gap in CSR Surveys
A Multilevel Model of Managing Emotions in Transformational Organizational Identity Change
Section III: When Governance Goes Wrong: Fear and Bullying at Work
Supervisory Level and the Impulse to Harm a Coworker: Advancing a Bourdieusian Perspective
An Initial Framework for the Role of Leader Fear in the Knowing-Doing Gap of Leadership
How Perceptions and Emotions Shaped Employee Silence in the Case of “Dr. Death” at Bundaberg Hospital
Silences and Voices of Fear, Anger, and Rationality: Emotionologies in an Information Systems Project
Organizational Governance: A Promising Solution for Varieties of Workplace Bullying
Conference Reviewers