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Integral Ecology from a Franciscan Perspective

Integral Ecology and Sustainable Business

ISBN: 978-1-78714-464-4, eISBN: 978-1-78714-463-7

Publication date: 6 September 2017


Pope John Paul II named Saint Francis as the “heavenly patron of those who promote ecology.” Revisiting the Franciscan values, as lived by St. Francis, could be of great help in solving our ecological, economic, and social problems. St. Francis can show the way to deal with Mother Earth for the sake of the future of the planet. His passionate love for creation, his adoration of seeing God in everything and everywhere, and therefore the adoration of the beauty of creation, his experience of God in the world as an incarnation theological principle, and his ways and actions of compassion give witness to a brotherly love toward everybody and everything. A Franciscan approach to integral ecology includes vulnerability, being connected, voluntary poverty, compassion, solidarity, contemplation and attentiveness, justice and peace, and prophetical wisdom.

The chapter presents a real life project in the “Klostergarten” of the Capuchin Franciscans in Muenster, Germany. To reestablish biodiversity and knowledge of how to use and preserve rare and old agricultural species, traditional varieties of regional apple trees, a good number of herb and vegetable strains have been reintroduced in the garden of the Capuchin Franciscans in Muenster. The importance of biodiversity and a holistic-spiritual approach toward nature is made clear to people visiting the garden through documentation, guided tours, and educational programs.



Dienberg, T., Beermann, B. and Warode, M. (2017), "Integral Ecology from a Franciscan Perspective", Integral Ecology and Sustainable Business (Contributions to Conflict Management, Peace Economics and Development, Vol. 26), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 89-100.



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