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France seeks to boost global diplomatic role

Wednesday, August 5, 2015


France's recent international activism.


Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius's July 29 visit to Iran, the first by a French foreign minister since 2003, was part of the 'global diplomacy' push by France's foreign policymakers. France has taken a prominent role in the international nuclear talks with Iran, euro-area deal with Greece and EU mediation over Russia/Ukraine. It has also pursued military interventions in Africa, taken a tough stance against President Bashar al-Assad in Syria, and cultivated ties with the Gulf states. France seeks to emulate the diplomatic clout that Germany derives from its economic strength and compensate for what it sees as the absence of Europe as a whole from world affairs.


  • France's role in resolving the Greek crisis in favour of Greece's continued euro-area membership has come at the cost of irritating Germany.
  • France has invited Iranian President Hassan Rouhani to visit in November, his first such Western invitation; Italy has followed suit today.
  • France's interests in Africa are driven partly by the large number of French citizens with dual nationality there.
  • Fabius could be named President of the Constitutional Council in February 2016; former premier Lionel Jospin is the other frontrunner.

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