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Green finance insights: evolution of the green bonds market

Dina Hosam Gabr (Department of Accounting and Finance, German University in Cairo, Cairo, Egypt)
Mona A. Elbannan (Department of Accounting and Finance, German University in Cairo, Cairo, Egypt)

Management & Sustainability: An Arab Review

ISSN: 2752-9819

Article publication date: 19 June 2023

Issue publication date: 13 August 2024




This paper aims to providea comprehensive review of the concepts and definitions of green finance, and the importance of “green” impact investments today. The core challenge in combating climate change is reducing and controlling greenhouse gas emissions; therefore, this study explores the solutions green finance provides emphasizing their impact on the environment and firms' financial performance. With increasing attention to the concept of green finance, multiple forms of green financial tools have come to fruition; the most prominent are green bonds.


This paper compiles a comprehensive green bond dataset, presenting a statistical study of the evolution of the green bonds market from its first appearance in 2006 until 2021.


The green bond market has seen massive growth over the years reaching $1651.92bn as of 2021. Findings show that green bonds are working towards shifting from high carbon-emitting energy to renewable energy, which is vital to economic development and growth. In congruence, green bonds are aligned with the United Nation's sustainable development goals (SDGs) amounting to $550bn for 2020, with the five most covered SDGs amounting to over 60%.


With growing worldwide concern for global warming, green finance became the fuel that pushes the world to act in combating and mitigating climate change. Coupled with adopting the Paris Agreement and the SDGs, Green finance became a vital tool in creating a pathway to sustainable development, as it connects the financial world with environmental and societal benefits.



The author participated and presented this paper in the “Green Finance and Green Bonds workshop” held at the GUC-Berlin. The workshop and access to the Environmental Finance Bond Database ( used in the paper was funded by “Cooperative research Projects Fund” offered by the German Academic Exchange Service DAAD with funds from the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) within the framework of the DAAD- BMBF-funding project “Sustainable Research Cooperation with the German University in Cairo (GUC)”.


Gabr, D.H. and Elbannan, M.A. (2024), "Green finance insights: evolution of the green bonds market", Management & Sustainability: An Arab Review, Vol. 3 No. 3, pp. 274-297.



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