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Communication management 2.0: The development of three socio-cognitive models for brand page usage

Christopher Hendrik Ruehl (Department for Communication and Media Research, University of Fribourg, Fribourg, Switzerland)
Diana Ingenhoff (Department for Communication Studies, University of Fribourg, Fribourg, Switzerland)

Journal of Communication Management

ISSN: 1363-254X

Article publication date: 2 May 2017




The purpose of this paper is to investigate how and why individuals use corporate pages on Facebook with the aim of developing a usage-specific inventory of incentive factors which describe brand page utilization for consumption, participation and production behavior.


A combined perspective of uses-and-gratifications (U&G) and social cognitive theory (SCT) was applied to develop three models of brand page behavior. Based on a literature review, an online survey (N=215) was conducted. Exploratory factor analyses identified motivational factors based on SCT incentive dimensions, which were cross-validated using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA).


Results indicate that consumption behavior can best be explained by activity, self-reactive-novel and monetary incentives. Status incentives, practical-novel and self-reactive-idealistic incentives drive participation. Production behavior is best explained by social, self-reactive and status incentives.

Practical implications

The models’ strategic implications for integrated communication management are discussed.


The results suggest interconnections of incentive dimensions unique to brand page usage, which have not yet been explored in any research.



Ruehl, C.H. and Ingenhoff, D. (2017), "Communication management 2.0: The development of three socio-cognitive models for brand page usage", Journal of Communication Management, Vol. 21 No. 2, pp. 170-185.



Emerald Publishing Limited

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