The aims of this paper is to prove that every semisimple Jordan algebra bundle is locally trivial and establish the decomposition theorem for locally trivial Jordan algebra bundles using the decomposition theorem of Lie algebra bundles.
Using the decomposition theorem of Lie algebra bundles, this paper proves the decomposition theorem for locally trivial Jordan algebra bundles.
Findings of this paper establish the decomposition theorem for locally trivial Jordan algebra bundles.
To the best of the author’s knowledge, all the results are new and interesting to the field of Mathematics and Theoretical Physics community.
Kumar, R. (2024), "Structure theorem for Jordan algebra bundles", Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 30 No. 2, pp. 256-261. https://doi.org/10.1108/AJMS-08-2022-0186
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2023, Ranjitha Kumar
Published in the Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences. Published by Emerald Publishing Limited. This article is published under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) license. Anyone may reproduce, distribute, translate and create derivative works of this article (for both commercial and non-commercial purposes), subject to full attribution to the original publication and authors. The full terms of this license may be seen at http://creativecommons.org/licences/by/4.0/legalcode
1. Introduction
In modern mathematics, an important notion is that of non-associative algebra. In Ref. [1], we gave a relationship between two important classes of non-associative algebras, namely, Lie algebras (introduced in 1870 by the Norwegian mathematician Sophus Lie in his study of the groups of transformations) and Jordan algebras (introduced in 1932–1933 by the German physicist Pasqual Jordan (1902–1980) in his algebraic formulation of quantum mechanics [2–4]). These two algebras are interconnected, as was remarked for instance by Kevin McCrimmon [5, p. 622]:
We are saying that if you open up a Lie algebra and look inside, 9 times out of 10 there is a Jordan algebra (of pair) which makes it work.
Here, we recall some connections between Jordan algebra bundles and Lie algebra bundles [1, 6]. If ξ is a locally trivial Jordan algebra bundle in which each fibre ξx has a unit element then
[1] Let ξ be a locally trivial Jordan algebra bundle over X, with each fibre ξx having a unit element ex, x ∈ X. Then
[1] If ξ is a locally trivial Jordan algebra bundle in which each fibre has a unit element, then
Given a locally trivial Jordan algebra bundle ξ in which each fibre ξx has a unit element, consider the Lie algebra bundle
In this paper, we prove that any semisimple Jordan algebra bundle is locally trivial and we supply an example to show that the converse need not be true. Further, we prove that a semisimple Jordan algebra bundle can be written as the direct sum of simple ideal bundles.
1.1 Notations and terminology
All Jordan algebra bundles ξ = (ξ, p, X, θ) are over the arbitrary topological space X unless otherwise mentioned.
2. Preliminaries
A Jordan algebra bundle is a vector bundle ξ = (ξ, p, X) together with a vector bundle morphism θ : ξ ⊗ ξ → ξ inducing a Jordan algebra structure on each fibre ξx, x ∈ X.
By a trivial Jordan algebra bundle, we mean a trivial vector bundle (X × J, p, X), where J is a Jordan algebra.
A morphism f : ξ → ζ of Jordan bundles ξ and ζ is a morphism of the underlying vector bundles such that for every x ∈ X, fx : ξx → ζx is a Jordan algebra homomorphism. If f is bijective and f−1 is continuous, then f is called an isomorphism.
By a subalgebra (ideal) bundle of a Jordan algebra bundle ξ = (ξ, p, X), we mean a vector sub-bundle ξ′ = (ξ′, p, X) of ξ such that each fibre (ξ′)x is a subalgebra (ideal) of ξx, ∀ x ∈ X.
By a semisimple Jordan algebra bundle, we mean a Jordan algebra bundle in which each fibre is a semisimple Jordan algebra.
If ξ is a Jordan algebra bundle with a nontrivial multiplication θ : ξ ⊗ ξ → ξ inducing the Jordan algebra bundle structure and if ξ has no ideal bundles except itself and the zero bundle, then we call ξ a simple Jordan algebra bundle.
A Jordan algebra bundle ξ is said to be the direct sum of the ideal bundles ξ1, ξ2, …, ξn provided, ξ = ξ1 ⊕ ξ2 ⊕⋯ ⊕ ξn
3. Semisimple Jordan algebra bundles
A Jordan algebra bundle ξ = (ξ, p, X) is locally trivial if, for every open set U ⊆ X, there exists a Jordan algebra J, together with a (vector bundle) trivialization φ : ξ|U → U × J, which is fibrewise a homeomorphism of Jordan algebras.
Not every Jordan algebra bundle is locally trivial, as the following example shows.
Let J be a nonzero real Jordan algebra and
From Atiyah [8, p. 4], we reproduce the following things without any changes. Suppose that V and W are vector spaces and that E = X × V and F = X × W are the corresponding product bundles. Then ϕ : E → F determines a map Φ : X → Hom(V, W) by formula Φ(x)(v) = ϕ(v). Moreover, if we give Hom(V, W) its usual topology, then Φ is continuous; conversely, any such continuous map Φ : X → Hom(V, W) determines a homomorphism ϕ : E → F.
Every semisimple Jordan algebra bundle is locally trivial.
Proof. Let ξ be a semisimple Jordan algebra bundle. The local triviality of ξ as a vector bundle is given by the vector bundle isomorphism α : U × V → p−1(U). Then θ : ξ ⊗ ξ → ξ induces the morphism
Further, since G and G(x0) satisfy the hypothesis of Aren’s theorem [10] G/G0 is homeomorphic to G(x0), where G0 is the stability subgroup corresponding to
Hence, ϕ gives the required local triviality of the Jordan algebra bundle ξ.□
4. Decomposition theorem for Jordan algebra bundle
Let (X × V, q, X) be a trivial vector bundle and (X × J, p, X) a trivial semisimple Jordan bundle. Suppose ϕ : X × V → X × J is a vector bundle monomorphism such that for each x ∈ X, ϕ(x, V) is an ideal in J. Then, there exists a finite open partition ∪iXi = X such that ϕx(V) = ϕy(V) for x, y ∈ Xi. In particular, if X is connected, for all x, y ∈ X, ϕx(V) = ϕy(V).
Proof. The map ϕ : X × V → X × J being a vector bundle morphism, x↦ϕx is a continuous map from X to Hom(V, J), the vector space of all linear transformations from V to J. If
It is enough to prove that each Xi is open in X. Let
To prove:
Let ξ′ be an ideal bundle of a semisimple Jordan algebra bundle ξ. Then,
Proof. Each
Every semisimple Jordan algebra bundle can be uniquely written as the direct sum of simple ideal bundles.
Proof. Let ξ be a semisimple Jordan algebra bundle. Each fibre ξx has a unit element being a semisimple Jordan algebra [13, Theorem 4.7, p. 99]. Hence, the corresponding Lie algebra bundle L(ξ) exists [1]. The semisimplicity of ξx implies that of L(ξx) [7, p. 805] and so L(ξ) is a semisimple Lie algebra bundle. Then, L(ξ) can be written as follows:
Let us prove the uniqueness of the decomposition. Let, ξ be expressed as follows:
Let [L(a), L(b)] ∈ h(ξx), where
1Kumar R. On Wedderburn principal theorem for Jordan algebra bundles. Commun Algebra. 2021; 49(4): 1431-5.
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3Jordan P. Uber Verallgemeinerungsm oglichkeiten des Formalismus der Quantenmechanik, Gott. Nachr; 1933. 209-17.
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5McCrimmon K. Jordan algebras and their applications. Bull Amer Math Soc. 1978; 84: 612-27.
6Prema G, Kiranagi BS. Lie algebras bundles defined by Jordan algebra bundles. Bull Math Soc Sci Math Roumanie. 1987; 31(79): 255-64.
7Koecher M. Imbedding of Jordan algebras into Lie algebras-I. Amer J Math. 1967; 89: 787-816.
8Atiyah MF. K-Theory. New York, Amsterdam: W.A.Benjamin, Inc.; 1967.
9Finston DR. Rigidity and compact real forms of semisimple complex Jordan algebras. Commun Algebra. 1990; 18(10): 3323-38.
10Arens R. Topologies for homeomorphism groups. Amer J Math. 1946; 68: 593-610.
11Steenrod N. The topology of fibre bundles. Princeton, New Jersy: Princeton University Press; 1974.
12Cohn PM. Lie Groups. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 1965.
13Schafer RD. Introduction to non-associative algebras. New York: Acd. Press; 1966.
14Kiranagi BS. Semisimple Lie algebra bundles. Bull Math Soc Sci Math Roumanie. 1983; 27(75): 253-7.
Further reading
15Jacobson N. Structure and representations of Jordan algebras. Amer Math Soc Coll Publs. 1968.
16Kiranagi BS, Prema G. A decomposition theorem of Lie algebra bundles. Comm Algebra. 1990; 18(6): 1869-77.
17Koecher M. Imbedding of Jordan algebras into Lie algebras-II. Amer J Math. 1968; 90: 476-510.
The author would like to thank the referee for constructive remarks that improve the presentation of the paper and for spotting several errors in the previous version of the paper. Also, the author would like to thank REVA University for its continuous support and encouragement.