Semiparametric tail-index estimation for randomly right-truncated heavy-tailed data

Saida Mancer (Universite Mohamed Khider de Biskra, Biskra, Algeria)
Abdelhakim Necir (Department of Mathematics, University of Biskra, Biskra, Algeria)
Souad Benchaira (Universite Mohamed Khider de Biskra, Biskra, Algeria)

Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences

ISSN: 1319-5166

Article publication date: 27 June 2022

Issue publication date: 2 July 2024




The purpose of this paper is to propose a semiparametric estimator for the tail index of Pareto-type random truncated data that improves the existing ones in terms of mean square error. Moreover, we establish its consistency and asymptotic normality.


To construct a root mean squared error (RMSE)-reduced estimator of the tail index, the authors used the semiparametric estimator of the underlying distribution function given by Wang (1989). This allows us to define the corresponding tail process and provide a weak approximation to this one. By means of a functional representation of the given estimator of the tail index and by using this weak approximation, the authors establish the asymptotic normality of the aforementioned RMSE-reduced estimator.


In basis on a semiparametric estimator of the underlying distribution function, the authors proposed a new estimation method to the tail index of Pareto-type distributions for randomly right-truncated data. Compared with the existing ones, this estimator behaves well both in terms of bias and RMSE. A useful weak approximation of the corresponding tail empirical process allowed us to establish both the consistency and asymptotic normality of the proposed estimator.


A new tail semiparametric (empirical) process for truncated data is introduced, a new estimator for the tail index of Pareto-type truncated data is introduced and asymptotic normality of the proposed estimator is established.



Mancer, S., Necir, A. and Benchaira, S. (2024), "Semiparametric tail-index estimation for randomly right-truncated heavy-tailed data", Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 30 No. 2, pp. 171-196.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2022, Saida Mancer, Abdelhakim Necir and Souad Benchaira


Published in the Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences. Published by Emerald Publishing Limited. This article is published under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) license. Anyone may reproduce, distribute, translate and create derivative works of this article (for both commercial and non-commercial purposes), subject to full attribution to the original publication and authors. The full terms of this license may be seen at

1. Introduction

Let Xi,Yi, i = 1, …, N ≥ 1 be a sample from a couple X,Y of independent positive random variables (rv’s) defined over a probability space Ω,A,P, with continuous distribution functions (df’s) F and G, respectively. Suppose that X is right-truncated by Y, in the sense that Xi is only observed when Xi ≤ Yi. Thus, let us denote Xi,Yi, i = 1, …, n to be the observed data, as copies of a couple of dependent rv’s X,Y corresponding to the truncated sample Xi,Yi, i = 1, …, N, where n = nN is a random sequence of discrete rv’s. By the weak law of large numbers, we have

(1.1)n/NPpPXY=0FwdGw, as N,
where the notation P stands for the convergence in probability. The constant p corresponds to the probability of observed sample which is supposed to be non-null, otherwise nothing is observed. The truncation phenomena frequently occurs in medical studies, when one wants to study the length of survival after the start of the disease: if Y denotes the elapsed time between the onset of the disease and death, and if the follow-up period starts X units of time after the onset of the disease then, clearly, X is right-truncated by Y. For concrete examples of truncated data in medical treatments one refers, among others, to Refs. [1, 2]. Truncated data schemes may also occur in many other fields, namely actuarial sciences, astronomy, demography and epidemiology, see for instance the textbook of [3].

From [4] the marginal df’s F* and G* corresponding to the joint df of X,Y are given by

F*xp10xG¯wdFw and G*xp10xFwdGw.

By the previous first equation, we derive a representation of the underlying df F as follows:

which will be for a great interest thereafter. In the sequel, we are dealing with the concept of regular variation. A function φ is said to be regularly varying at infinity with negative index − 1/η, notation φRV1/η, if
(1.3)φst/φts1/η, as t,
for s > 0. This relation is known as the first-order condition of regular variation and the corresponding uniform convergence is formulated in terms of “Potter’s inequalities” as follows: for any small ϵ > 0, there exists t0 > 0 such that for any t ≥ t0 and s ≥ 1, we have

See for instance Proposition B.1.9 (assertion 5, page 367) in Ref. [5]. The second-order condition (see Ref. [6] expresses the rate of the convergence 1.3 above. For any x > 0, we have

(1.5)φtx/φtx1/ηAtx1/ηxτ/η1τη, as t,
where τ < 0 denotes the second-order parameter and A is a function tending to zero and not changing signs near infinity with regularly varying absolute value with positive index τ/η. A function φ that satisfies assumption 1.5 is denoted φRV21/η;τ,A. We now have enough material to tackle the main goal of the paper. To begin, let us assume that the tails of both df’s F and G are regularly varying. That is
(1.6)F¯RV1/γ1 and G¯RV1/γ2, with γ1,γ2>0.

Under this assumption, [4] showed that

(1.7)F¯*RV1/γ1 and G¯*RV1/γ,

For further details on the proof of this statement one refers to Ref. [7] (Lemma A1). The estimation of the tail index γ1 was recently addressed for the first time in Ref. [4] where the authors used equation 1.8 to propose an estimator to γ1 as a ratio of Hill estimators [8] of the tail indices γ and γ2. These estimators are based on the top order statistics Xnk:n ≤ … ≤ Xn:n and Ynk:n ≤ … ≤ Yn:n pertaining to the samples X1,,Xn and Y1,,Yn respectively. The sample fraction k = kn being a sequence of integers such that, kn and kn/n → 0 as n. The asymptotic normality of the given estimator is established in Ref. [9]. By using a Lynden-Bell integral, [10] proposed the following estimator for the tail index γ1:

for a given deterministic threshold u > 0, where
is the popular nonparametric maximum likelihood estimator of cdf F introduced in the well-known work [11]; with

Independently, [7] used a Woodroofe integral with a random threshold, to derive the following estimator

is the so-called Woodroofe’s nonparametric estimator [12] of df F. To improve the performance of γ^1BMN, [13, 14], respectively, proposed a Kernel-smoothed and a reduced-bias versions of this estimator and established their consistency and asymptotic normality. It is worth mentioning that Lynden-Bell integral estimator γ^1Wu with a random threshold u = Xnk:n becomes

In a simulation study, [15] compared this estimator with γ^1BMN. They pointed out that both estimators have similar behaviors in terms of biases and mean squared errors.

Recall that the nonparametric Lynden-Bell estimator Fn1 was constructed on the basis of the fact that F and G are both unknown. In this paper, we are dealing with the situation when F is unknown but G is parametrized by a known model Gθ, θΘRd, d ≥ 1 having a density gθ with respect to Lebesgue measure. [2] considered this assumption and introduced a semiparametric estimator for df F defined by

where 1/Pnθ^nn1i=1n1/G¯θ^nXi and
denoting the conditional maximum likelihood estimator (CMLE) of θ, which is consistent and asymptotically normal, see for instance Ref. [16]. On the other hand, [2] showed that Fnx;θ^n is an uniformly consistent estimator over the x-axis and established, under suitable regularity assumptions, its asymptotic normality. [2, 17] pointed out that the semiparametric estimate has greater efficiency uniformly over the x-axis. In the light of a simulation study, the authors suggest that the semiparametric estimate is a better choice when parametric information of the truncation distribution is available. Since the apparition of this estimation method many papers are devoted to the statistical inference with truncation data, see for instance Refs. [18–22] and [23].

Motivated by the features of the semiparametric estimation, we next propose a new estimator for γ1 by means of a suitable functional of Fnx;θ^n. We start our construction by noting that from Theorem 1.2.2 in de [5]; the first-order condition 1.6 (for F) implies that


In other words, γ1 may viewed as a functional ψtF, for a large t, where


Replacing F by Fn;θ^n and letting t = Xnk:n yield

as new estimator for γ1. Observe that
which may be rewritten into

On the other hand, FXnk:n;θ^n equals




Thereby, the form of our new estimator is


The asymptotic behavior of γ^1 will be established by means of the following tail empirical process

Dnx;θ^n;γ1kF¯nxXnk:n;θ^nF¯nXnk:n;θ^nx1/γ1,for x>1.

This method was already used to establish the asymptotic behavior of Hill’s estimator for complete data [5]; page 162) that we will adapt to the truncation case. Indeed, by using an integration by parts and a change of variables of the integral 1.14, one gets

and therefore

Thus, for a suitable weighted weak approximation to Dn;θ^n;γ1, we may easily deduce the consistency and asymptotic normality of γ^1. This process may also contribute to the goodness-of-fit test to fitting heavy-tailed distributions via, among others, the Kolmogorov–Smirnov and Cramér–von Mises type statistics

supx>1Dnx;θ^n,γ^1 and 1Dn2x;θ^n,γ^1dx1/γ^1.

More precisely, these statistics are used when testing the null hypothesis H0: “both F and G are heavy-tailed” versus the alternative one H1: “at least one of F and G is not heavy-tailed”, that is H0: “1.6 holds” versus H1: “1.6 does not hold”. This problem has been already addressed by Refs. [24, 25] in the case of complete data. The (uniform) weighted weak convergence of Dnx;θ^n,γ1 and the asymptotic normality of γ^1, stated below, will be of great interest to establish the limit distributions of the aforementioned test statistics. This is out of the scope of this paper whose remainder is structured as follows. In Section 2, we present our main results which consist in the consistency and asymptotic normality of estimator γ^1. The performance of the proposed estimator is checked by simulation in Section 3. An application to a real dataset composed of induction times of AIDS diseases is given in Section 4. The proofs are gathered in Section 5. A useful lemma and its proof are postponed to Appendix.

2. Main results

The regularity assumptions, denoted A0, concerning the existence, consistency and asymptotic normality of the CLME estimator θ^n, given in 1.12, are discussed in Ref. [16]. Here, we only state additional conditions on df Gθ corresponding to Pareto-type models which are required to establish the asymptotic behavior of our newly estimator γ^1.

  1. A1 For each fixed y, the function θGθy is continuously differentiable of partial derivatives Gθj=:Gθ/θj, j = 1, …, d.

  2. A2G¯θjRV1/γ2.

  3. A3yϵG¯θjy/G¯θy0, as y, for any ϵ > 0.

For common Pareto-type models, one may easily check that there exist some constants aj ≥ 0, cj and dj, such that G¯θjycjy1/γ2+djlogy, for all large x. Then one may consider that the assumptions A1A3 are not very restrictive and they may be acceptable in the extreme value theory.

Theorem 2.1.

Assume that F¯RV21/γ1;ρ1,A and GθRV1/γ2 satisfying the assumptions A0A3, and suppose that γ1 < γ2. Then on the probability space Ω,A,P, there exists a standard Wiener process Ws,0s1 such that, for any small 0 < ϵ < 1/2, we have

provided that kAak=O1, where
is a centered Gaussian process and akF*1k/n, where
denotes the quantile (or the generalized inverse) function pertaining to df F*.

Applying this weak approximation, we establish both consistency and asymptotic normality of our new estimator γ^1, that we state in the following Theorem.

Theorem 2.2.

Under the assumptions of Theorem 2.1, we have

this implies that γ^1Pγ1. Whenever kAakλ<, we get
where σ2γ21+γ1/γ21+γ1/γ221γ1/γ23, and 1A stands for the indicator function pertaining to a set A.

3. Simulation study

In this section, we will perform a simulation study in order to compare the finite sample behavior of our new semiparametric estimator γ^1, given in 1.15, with Woodrofee and Lynden-Bell integral estimators γ^1BMN and γ^1W, given respectively in 1.9 and 1.10. The truncation and truncated distributions functions F and G will be chosen among the following two models:

  1. Burr γ,δ distribution with right-tail function:

  1. Fréchet γ distribution with right-tail function:


The simulation study is being made in fours scenarios following to the choice of the underlying df’s F and Gθ:

  1. S1 Burr γ1,δ truncated by Burr γ2,δ; with θ=γ2,δ

  2. S2 Fréchet γ1 truncated by Fréchet γ2; with θ = γ2

  3. S3 Fréchet γ1 truncated by Burr γ2,δ; with θ=γ2,δ

  4. S4 Burr γ1,δ truncated by Fréchet γ2; with θ = γ2

To this end, we fix δ = 1/4 and choose the values 0.6 and 0.8 for γ1 and 55% and 90% for the portions of observed truncated data given in 1.1 so that the assumption γ1 < γ2 stated in Theorem 2.1 holds. In other words, the values of p have to be greater than 50%. For each couple γ1,p, we solve the equation 1.1 to get the pertaining γ2-value, which we summarize as follows:


For each scenario, we simulate 1000 random samples of size N = 300 and compute the root mean squared error (RMSE) and the absolute bias (ABIAS) corresponding to each estimator γ^1, γ^1BMN and γ^1W. The comparison is done by plotting the ABIAS and RMSE as functions of the sample fraction k which varies from 2 to 120. This range is chosen so that it contains the optimal number of upper extremes k* used in the computation of the tail index estimate. There are many heuristic methods to select k*, see for instance Ref. [26]; here we use the algorithm proposed by Ref. [27] in page 137, which is incorporated in the R software “Xtremes” package. Note that the computation the CMLE of θ is made by means of the syntax ”maxLik” of the MaxLik R software package. The optimal sample fraction k* is defined, in this procedure, by

for suitable constant 0 ≤ ω ≤ 1/2, where γ^i corresponds to an estimator of tail index γ, based on the i upper order statistics, of a Pareto-type model. We observed, in our simulation study, that ω = 0.3 allows better results both in terms of bias and RMSE. It is worth mentioning that making N vary did not provide notable findings; therefore, we kept the size N fixed. The finite sample behaviors of the above-mentioned estimators are illustrated in Figures 1–8. The overall conclusion is that the biases of three estimators are almost equal, however, in the case of medium truncation p50%, the RMSE of our new semiparametric γ^1 is clearly the smallest compared that of γ^1BMN and γ^1W. Actually, the medium truncation situation is the most frequently encountered in real data, while the strong truncation p50% remains, up to our knowledge, theoretical. In this sense, we may consider that the semiparametric estimator is more efficient than the two other ones. We point out that the two estimators γ^1BMN and γ^1W have almost the same behavior which actually was noticed before by Ref. [15]. The optimal sample fractions and estimate values of the tail index obtained through the three estimators are given in Tables 1–4.

4. Real data example

In this section, we give an application to the AIDS data set, available in the “DTDA” R package and the textbook of [28] (page 19) and already used by Ref. [1]. The data present the infection and induction times for n = 258 adults who were infected with HIV virus and developed AIDS by June 30, 1986. The variable of interest here is the time of induction T of the disease duration which elapses between the date of infection M and the date M + T of the declaration of the disease. The sample (T1, M1), …, (Tn, Mn) are taken between two fixed dates: 0 and 8, i.e. between April 1, 1978, and June 30, 1986. The initial date 0 denotes an infection occurring in the three months: from April 1, 1978, to June 30, 1978. Let us assume that M and T are the observed rv’s, corresponding to the underlying rv’s M and T, given by the truncation scheme 0 ≤ M + T ≤ 8, which in turn may be rewritten into

where S≔8 − T. To work within the framework of the present paper, let us make the following transformations:
(4.19)X1S+ϵ and Y1M+ϵ,
where ϵ = 0.05 so that the two denominators be non-null. Thus, in view of 4.18, we have X ≤ Y, which means that X is randomly right-truncated by Y. Thereby, for the given sample (T1, M1), …, (Tn, Mn), from T,M, the previous transformations produce a new one (X1, Y1), …, (Xn, Yn) from X,Y.

Let us now denote by F and G the df’s of the underling rv’s X and Y corresponding to the truncated rv’s X and Y, respectively. By using parametric likelihood methods, [29] fits both df’s of M and S by the two-parameter Weibull model, this implies that the df’s of F and G by may be fitted by two-parameter Fréchet model, namely Ha.rx=exparxr, x > 0, a > 0, r > 0, hence both F and G are heavy-tailed. The estimated parameters corresponding to the fitting of df G are a0 = 0.004 and r0 = 2.1, see also [1] page 520. Thus, one may consider that df G is known and equals Gθ=Ha0,r0, where θ=a0,r0. By using the Thomas and Reiss algorithm, given above, we compute the optimal sample fraction k* corresponds to the tail index estimator γ^1 of df F is γ1. We find

(4.20)k*=19,Xnk:n=0.356 and γ^1=0.917.

The well-known Weissman estimator [30] of the high quantile, qvF11vn, corresponding to the underling df F is given by

where v=1/2n and Fn is the semiparametric estimator of df F of X given in 1.11. From the values 4.20, we get q^v=0.061. Let us now compute the high quantile of T based on the original data, T1, …, Tn. Recall that PXqv=v and X=1/8T+ϵ, this implies that PT1/qv8+ϵ=v, this means that 1/qv − 8 + ϵ is the high quantile of T, which corresponds to the end-time tend that we want to estimate. Thereby t^end=1/q^v8+102=1/0.0618+102=8.40, the value the end time of induction of AIDS is: 8 years, 4 months and 24 days.

5. Proofs

5.1 Proof of Theorem 2.1

Let us first notice that the semiparametric estimator of df F given in 1.12 may be rewritten into

and 1/Pnθ^=0dFn*w/G¯θ^nw, where Fn*wn1i=1n1Xiw denotes the usual empirical df pertaining to the observed sample X1, …, Xn. It is worth mentioning that by using the strong law of large numbers Pnθ^nPθ (almost surely) as n, where Pθ=1/0dF*w/G¯θw (see e.g. Lemma 3.2 in Ref. [2]. On the other hand from equation 1.2, we deduce that p=1/0dF*w/G¯w, it follows that pPθ because we already assumed that G ≡ Gθ. Next we use the distribution tail
and its empirical counterpart

We begin by decomposing k1/2Dnx;θ^n, for x > 1, into the sum of


Our goal is to provide a weighted weak approximation to the tail empirical process Dnx;θ^n;γ1. Let ξiF¯*Xi, i = 1, …, n be a sequence of independent and identically distributed rv’s. Recall that both df’s F and Gθ are assumed to be continuous, this implies that F* is continuous as well, therefore Pξiu=u, this means that ξii=1,n are uniformly distributed on 0,1. Let us now define the corresponding uniform tail empirical process

(5.23)αnskUnss, for 0s1,
denotes the tail empirical df pertaining to the sample ξii=1,n. In view of Proposition 3.1 of [31], there exists a Wiener process W such that for every 0 ≤ ϵ < 1/2,
(5.25)sup0s<1sϵαnsWsP0, as n.

Let us fix a sufficiently small 0 < ϵ < 1/2. We will successively show that, under the first-order conditions of regular variation 1.6, we have, uniformly on x ≥ 1, for all large n:


Throughout the proof, without loss of generality, we assume that ϵ, for any constant a > 0. We point out that all the rest terms of the previous approximations are negligible in probability, uniformly on x > 1. Let us begin by the term Mn1x which may be made into


Applying the mean value theorem (for several variables) to function θ1/G¯θ, yields

1G¯θ^z1G¯θz=i=1dθ^i,nθiG¯θ̃izG¯θ̃2z, for any z>1,
where θ̃n is such that θ̃i,n is between θi and θ^i,n, for i = 1, …, d, therefore

Recall that by assumptions 1.6 and A2 both G¯θ and G¯θi are regularly varying with the same index 1/γ2 and, on the other hand, Xnk:nP and w > 1 imply that Xnk:nwP. Applying Pooter’s inequalities 1.4, we get

it follows that

Under some regularity assumptions, [16] stated that nθ^nθ is asymptotically a centered multivariate normal rv, which implies that θ^i,nθi=OPn1/2 and thus θ^nPθ. On the other hand, by the law of large numbers PnθPPθ as n, then we may readily show that Pnθ^nPPθ as n as well. Note that since θ^n is a consistent estimator of θ then θ̃n is too. Then by using the fact that Xnk:nP and both conditions A1 and A3, we show readily that

Xnk:nϵG¯θ̃niXnk:nG¯θ̃nXnk:nP0, as n,
and G¯θXnk:n/G¯θ̃nXnk:nP1. In view of Lemma A1 in Ref. [7], we infer that Xnk:n=1+oP1k/nγ, thus

Making use of representation 5.22, we write


Once again by using the routine manipulations of Potter’s inequalities, we show that the first integral in 5.30 is equal to


An integration by parts to the previous integral yields


Recall that from1.7,we have F¯*RV1/γ, then

uniformly on w > 1. Therefore, the previous quantity reduces into

Thereby the first expression between two brackets in (5.30) equals OPx1/γ1ϵ. Let us consider the second factor in (5.30). By similar arguments as used for the first factor, we show that

multiplied by 1+oP1, uniformly on x > 1. From Lemma 7.1, we have
which implies that the previous expression equals OPx1/γ1+ϵ, thus M̃n1x=OPx1/γ+ϵ and therefore

By assumption k/n → 0, it follows that kMn1x=oPx1/γ1+ϵ which meets the result of (5.30). Let now consider the second term Mn2x which may be rewritten into


In view of Potter’s inequalities, it is clear that


Smirnov’s lemma (see, e.g. Lemma 2.2.3 in Ref. [5] with the fact that F¯*Xnk:n=dξk+1:n imply that nkξk+1:nP1, hence nkF¯*Xnk:n=1+oP1. Therefore,


On the other hand, using an integration by parts yields


By using the change of variables t=G¯θXnk:n/G¯θXnk:nw, it is easy to verify that


Observe that

where ϑnt;θnkF¯*Gθ1G¯θXnk:nt1 and Un are the tail empirical df given in (5.24). Thereby,
with αn being the tail empirical process defined in (5.23). Let us decompose the previous integral into

By applying weak approximation (5.25), we get


Observe that F¯*Gθ1G¯θXnk:n=F¯*Xnk:n, thereby


It is easy to check that F¯*Gθ1RVγ2/γ, then once again by means of Pooter’s inequality, we show that ϑnt;θ=1+oP1tγ2/γ+ϵ, therefore


By using an elementary integration, we get


By replacing γ by its by its expression given in (1.8), we end up with


The term Rn may be decomposed into


It is clear that


It is ready to check, by using the change of variables ϑnt;θ=s, that the previous first factor between the curly brackets equals


From Lemma 3.2 in Ref. [31] sup0<s1sδWs=OP1, for any 0 < δ < 1/2, then since nF¯*Xnk:n;θ/kP1, as n, we infer that

for all large n. On the other hand, we already pointed out above that
which implies that the second factor is equal to
which after integration yields

Recall that from formula (1.8), we have γ2/γ > 1, then by using the mean value theorem and Pooter’s inequalities, we get Rn1=oPxϵ. The second term Rn2 may be decomposed into


From Proposition B.1.10 in Ref. [5], we have with high probability,

this means that supx>1supt>x1/γ2cnt;θP0, as n. This implies by using Levy’s modulus of continuity of the Wiener process (see, e.g. Theorem 1.1.1 in Ref. [32]) that
with high probability. By using the fact that log  s < ϵsϵ, for s ↓ 0 together with inequality (5.31), we show that
uniformly on t>x1/γ2, it follows that

Recall that the assumption γ1 < γ2 together with equation 1/γ = 1/γ1 + 1/γ2, imply that γ2/2γ>1, thus γ2/γϵ/2+1<0, therefore x1/γ2tγ2/γϵ/2dt=oPx1/γ1ϵ. Then we showed that

Rn1=oPxϵ and Rn2=x1/γ2Wtγ2/γdt+oPx1/γ1ϵ,

It is clear that


By using similar arguments, we end up with

therefore, we omit further details. Finally, we have

Let us now focus on the term Mn3x. From the latter approximation, we infer that

which implies that

In other words, we have


The regular variation of F¯ and (5.33) together imply that


By combining the results (5.32) and (5.34), we get


For the fourth term Mn4x, we write


From (5.34) the first factor of the previous equation equals oPx1/γ1+ϵ. On the other hand, the change of variables s=tγ2/γ yields


Since sup0<s<1s1/2+ϵWs=OP1, then we easily show that

it follows that kMn2x=OPx121γ21γ1+ϵ as well. Therefore,

Hence, we have


By assumption, F¯ satisfies the second-order condition of regular variation (1.5), this means that for

for any x > 0, where ρ1 < 0 is the second-order parameter and A is RVρ1/γ1. The uniform inequality corresponding to 5.35 says: there exist t0 > 0, such that for any t > t0, we have
see for instance assertion (2.3.23) of Theorem 2.3.9 in Ref. [5]. It is easy to check that the latter inequality implies that

Recall that ak=F*1k/n and notice that Xnk:n/akP1 as n, then in view of the regular variation of A, we infer that AXnk:n=1+oP1Aak. On the other hand, by assumption kAak is asymptotically bounded, therefore


To summarize, at this stage, we showed that

where ςxoPx1/γ1+ϵ+oPx1/γ1+oPx121γ21γ1+ϵ. By using a change of variables, we show that sum of the first three terms equals the Gaussian process Γx;W stated in Theorem 2.1. Recall that γ1 < γ2 and
then it is easy to verify that ςx=oPx121γ21γ1+ϵ. It follows that
uniformly on x > 1, therefore
for any sample 0 < ϵ < 1/2, which completes the proof of Theorem 2.1.

5.2 Proof of Theorem 2.2

From the representation 1.16, we write


Using Theorem 2.1 yields Tn1=oPk1/21x1+ϵdx=oPk1/2=oP1. SinceEWss1/2, then it is easy to show that 1x1Γx;Wdx=OP1, it follows that Tn2=OPk1/2=oP1. Using an elementary integration, we get Tn3=Aak/1ρ1 which tends to zero as n, because ak and A is regularly varying with negative index. Therefore, γ^1Pγ1, as n which gives the first result of Theorem. To establish the asymptotic normality, we write


Note that Γx;W is a centered Gaussian process and by using the assumption kAakλ<, we end up with


By elementary calculations (we omit the details), we show that


6. Conclusion

On the basis of a semiparametric estimator of the underlying distribution function, we proposed a new estimation method to the tail index of Pareto-type distributions for randomly right-truncated data. Compared with the existing ones, this estimator behaves well both in terms of bias and RMSE. A useful weak approximation of the corresponding tail empirical process allowed us to establish both the consistency and asymptotic normality of the proposed estimator.


Absolute bias (left two panels) and RMSE (right two panels) of γ^1 (black) and γ^1BMN (red) and γ^1W(blue), corresponding to two situations of scenario S1:γ1=0.6,p=55% (top two panels) and γ1=0.6,p=90% (bottom two panels) based on 1000 samples of size 300

Figure 1

Absolute bias (left two panels) and RMSE (right two panels) of γ^1 (black) and γ^1BMN (red) and γ^1W(blue), corresponding to two situations of scenario S1:γ1=0.6,p=55% (top two panels) and γ1=0.6,p=90% (bottom two panels) based on 1000 samples of size 300

Absolute bias (left two panels) and RMSE (right two panels) of γ^1 (black) and γ^1BMN (red) and γ^1W(blue), corresponding to two situations of scenario S1:γ1=0.8,p=55% (top two panels) and γ1=0.8,p=90% (bottom two panels) based on 1000 samples of size 300

Figure 2

Absolute bias (left two panels) and RMSE (right two panels) of γ^1 (black) and γ^1BMN (red) and γ^1W(blue), corresponding to two situations of scenario S1:γ1=0.8,p=55% (top two panels) and γ1=0.8,p=90% (bottom two panels) based on 1000 samples of size 300

Absolute bias (left two panels) and RMSE (right two panels) of γ^1 (black) and γ^1BMN (red) and γ^1W(blue), corresponding to two situations of scenario S2:γ1=0.6,p=55% (top two panels) and γ1=0.6,p=90% (bottom two panels) based on 1000 samples of size 300

Figure 3

Absolute bias (left two panels) and RMSE (right two panels) of γ^1 (black) and γ^1BMN (red) and γ^1W(blue), corresponding to two situations of scenario S2:γ1=0.6,p=55% (top two panels) and γ1=0.6,p=90% (bottom two panels) based on 1000 samples of size 300

Absolute bias (left two panels) and RMSE (right two panels) of γ^1 (black) and γ^1BMN (red) and γ^1W(blue), corresponding to two situations of scenario S2:γ1=0.8,p=55% (top two panels) and γ1=0.8,p=90% (bottom two panels) based on 1000 samples of size 300

Figure 4

Absolute bias (left two panels) and RMSE (right two panels) of γ^1 (black) and γ^1BMN (red) and γ^1W(blue), corresponding to two situations of scenario S2:γ1=0.8,p=55% (top two panels) and γ1=0.8,p=90% (bottom two panels) based on 1000 samples of size 300

Absolute bias (left two panels) and RMSE (right two panels) of γ^1 (black) and γ^1MBN (red) and γ^1W(blue), corresponding to two situations of scenario S3:γ1=0.6,p=55% (top two panels) and γ1=0.6,p=90% (bottom two panels) based on 1000 samples of size 300

Figure 5

Absolute bias (left two panels) and RMSE (right two panels) of γ^1 (black) and γ^1MBN (red) and γ^1W(blue), corresponding to two situations of scenario S3:γ1=0.6,p=55% (top two panels) and γ1=0.6,p=90% (bottom two panels) based on 1000 samples of size 300

Absolute bias (left two panels) and RMSE (right two panels) of γ^1 (black) and γ^1BMN (red) and γ^1W(blue), corresponding to two situations of scenario S3:γ1=0.8,p=55% (top two panels) and γ1=0.8,p=90% (bottom two panels) based on 1000 samples of size 300

Figure 6

Absolute bias (left two panels) and RMSE (right two panels) of γ^1 (black) and γ^1BMN (red) and γ^1W(blue), corresponding to two situations of scenario S3:γ1=0.8,p=55% (top two panels) and γ1=0.8,p=90% (bottom two panels) based on 1000 samples of size 300

Absolute bias (left two panels) and RMSE (right two panels) of γ^1 (black) and γ^1BMN (red) and γ^1W(blue), corresponding to two situations of scenario S4:γ1=0.6,p=55% (top two panels) and γ1=0.6,p=90% (bottom two panels) based on 1000 samples of size 300

Figure 7

Absolute bias (left two panels) and RMSE (right two panels) of γ^1 (black) and γ^1BMN (red) and γ^1W(blue), corresponding to two situations of scenario S4:γ1=0.6,p=55% (top two panels) and γ1=0.6,p=90% (bottom two panels) based on 1000 samples of size 300

Absolute bias (left two panels) and RMSE (right two panels) of γ^1 (black) and γ^1BMN (red) and γ^1W(blue), corresponding to two situations of scenario S4:γ1=0.8,p=55% (top two panels) and γ1=0.8,p=90% (bottom two panels) based on 1000 samples of size 300

Figure 8

Absolute bias (left two panels) and RMSE (right two panels) of γ^1 (black) and γ^1BMN (red) and γ^1W(blue), corresponding to two situations of scenario S4:γ1=0.8,p=55% (top two panels) and γ1=0.8,p=90% (bottom two panels) based on 1000 samples of size 300

Optimal sample fractions and estimate values of the tail index γ1 = 0.6 based on 1,000 samples of size 300 for the four scenarios with p = 0.55


Optimal sample fractions and estimate values of the tail index γ1 = 0.6 based on 1,000 samples of size 300 for the four scenarios with p = 0.9


Optimal sample fractions and estimate values of the tail index γ1 = 0.8 based on 1,000 samples of size 300 for the four scenarios with p = 0.55


Optimal sample fractions and estimate values of the tail index γ1 = 0.8 based on 1,000 samples of size 300 for the four scenarios with p = 0.9


Lemma 7.1.

For any small ϵ > 0, we have

F¯n*Xnk:nwF¯*Xnk:n=OPw1/γ+ϵ/2,uniformly on w1.


Let Vntn1i=1n1ξit be the uniform empirical df pertaining to the sample ξiF¯*Xi, i = 1, …, n, of independent and identically distributed uniform0,1 rv’s. It is clear that, for an arbitrary x, we have VnF¯*x=F¯n*x almost surely. From Assertion 7 in Ref. [33] (page 415), Vnt/t=OP1 uniformly on 1/n ≤ t ≤ 1, this implies that

(7.36) F¯n*Xnk:nwF¯*Xnk:nw=OP1, uniformly on w1.

On the other hand, by applying Potter’s inequalities (1.4) to F¯*, we get

(7.37)F¯*Xnk:nwF¯*Xnk:n=OPw1/γ+ϵ/2, uniformly on w1.

Combining the two statements, (7.36) and (7.37), gives the desired result. □


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Further reading

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The authors are indebted to the reviewers for their pertinent remarks and valuable suggestions that led to a real improvement of the paper.

Corresponding author

Abdelhakim Necir can be contacted at:

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