Independent learning skill, competence and job performance of graduates of Universitas Terbuka: Perceptions of graduates and supervisors

Dewi Juliah Ratnaningsih (Universitas Terbuka, Indonesia)

Asian Association of Open Universities Journal

ISSN: 2414-6994

Article publication date: 1 March 2013

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Open and distance education institutions such as Universitas Terbuka (UT) encourage independent learning among its students, which hopefully will lead to the ability of selflearning in the workplace. This is important so that graduates will meet the requirements of competence and performance in their job. Employer perception is imperative in assessing characteristics of independent learning skill, competence and performance in line with job requirements. This paper describes the perception of graduates and their immediate supervisors about competence and independent learning skill acquired during study which impacted on their job performance. The study finds that UT's graduates have adequately met the requirements needed in the workplace in terms of independent learning skill, competence and job performance.


Ratnaningsih, D.J. (2013), "Independent learning skill, competence and job performance of graduates of Universitas Terbuka: Perceptions of graduates and supervisors", Asian Association of Open Universities Journal, Vol. 8 No. 1, pp. 117-129.



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